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Install Hadoop on Ubuntu | Hadoop Installation Steps

1. Install Hadoop on Ubuntu Tutorial: Objective

This article explains how to install Hadoop on Ubuntu in simple steps. Moreover, we will deploy Hadoop on the single node cluster on Ubuntu Linux. We will also enable YARN on the cluster while installation.

Install Hadoop on Ubuntu | Hadoop Installation Steps

2. Hadoop Overview  

Hadoop is a framework for running distributed computing programs. It comprises of HDFS and Map Reduce (Programming framework).
The user can run only the MapReduce program in the earlier versions of Hadoop. Therefore, it was fit for batch processing computations.
The YARN provides API for requesting and allocating resource in the cluster. So the YARN is available in later versions of Hadoop 2. Hence, the API facilitates application program to process large-scale data of HDFS.

3. Prerequisites to Install Hadoop on Ubuntu

[php]$ java -version[/php]

4. Easy Steps to install Hadoop on Ubuntu

Lets now discuss the steps to install Hadoop single node cluster on Ubuntu-

4.1. Setup passwordless ssh

a) Install Open SSH Server and Open SSH Client

We will now setup the passwordless ssh client with the following command.
[php]sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client[/php]

Install Hadoop on Ubuntu – Open SSH Server and Open SSH Client

b) Generate Public & Private Key Pairs

[php]ssh-keygen -t rsa -P “”[/php]
The terminal will prompt the user for entering the file name. Press enter and proceed. The location of a file will be in the home directory. Moreover, the extension will be the .ssh file.

c) Configure password-less SSH

The below command will add the public ssh-key to authorized_keys. Moreover, it will configure the passwordless ssh.
[php]cat $HOME/.ssh/ >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys[/php]

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Install Hadoop on Ubuntu – Configure password-less SSH

Also see What is Hadoop Cluster | Hadoop Cluster Architecture

d) Now verify the working of password-less ssh

As we type the “ssh localhost” it will prompt us to connect with it. Type ‘yes’ and press enter to proceed.

e) Now install rsync with command

[php]$ sudo apt-get install rsync[/php]

Install Hadoop on Ubuntu | Install rsync

4.2. Configure and Setup Hadoop

a) Download the Hadoop package 2.8.x

Use the link given below to download the Hadoop 2.8.x from Apache mirrors.

b) Untar the Tarball

Then we will extract the Hadoop into the home directory
[php]tar xzf hadoop-2.8.2.tar.gz[/php]

how to install hadoop on Ubuntu – Untar the Tarball

4.3. Setup Configuration

We can add only the minimum property in the Hadoop configuration. The user can add more properties to it.

a) Setting Up the environment variables

[php]nano bash.bashrc[/php]
And add the following path variables in it
[php]export HADOOP_HOME=/home/hduser/hadoop-2.8.2
export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin:$HADOOP_HOME/bin[/php]

Hadoop Installation – Edit .bashrc

[php]source ~/.bashrc[/php]

Also see HBase Compaction and Data Locality in Hadoop

b) Hadoop configuration file changes

Edit file which is in etc/hadoop inside the Hadoop installation directory. The user can set JAVA_HOME:
[php]export JAVA_HOME=<root directory of Java-installation> (eg: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_151/)[/php]


Edit the core-site.xml with “nano core-site.xml”. The file is in the etc/hadoop inside Hadoop directory. Then we will add following entries.

Hadoop 2 Installation – Edit core-site.xml

Then we will edit the hdfs-site.xml with “nano hdfs-site.xml”. This file is actually located in etc/hadoop inside Hadoop installation directory. We will add the following entries:           


Install hadoop on Ubuntu – Edit hdfs-site.xml

We will create a copy of mapred-site.xml from mapred-site.xml.template using cp command (cp mapred-site.xml.template mapred-site.xml). Now edit the mapred-site.xml with “nano command”. This file is also located in etc/hadoop inside Hadoop directory. We will copy the file with same name mapred-site.xml. This will add following entries:

Install hadoop on Ubuntu – Edit mapred-site.xml

We will now edit yarn-site.xml with “nano yarn-site.xml”. It is in etc/hadoop inside Hadoop installation directory. Finally we add following entries:

Hadoop Installation – Edit yarn-site.xml file.

Also see Unbeatable Apache Hadoop Online Quiz – Part 10

4.4. Start the cluster

We will now start the single node cluster with the following commands.

a) Format the namenode

Moreover, we will format the namenode before using it the first time.
[php]hdfs namenode -format[/php]

Install Hadoop 2 – Format the Namenode

b) Start the HDFS

We will start the hadoop cluster using the hadoop start-up script.

Hadoop start-up script

c) Starting the YARN services

For starting the YARN we use

Apache Hadoop Installation on Ubuntu – Starting the YARN services

d) Verify if all process started

6775 DataNode
7209 ResourceManager
7017 SecondaryNameNode
6651 NameNode
7339 NodeManager
7663 Jps[/php]

Install Hadoop on Ubuntu

e) Web interface-For viewing Web UI of NameNode

visit : (http://localhost:50070)

Web interface-For viewing Web UI of NameNode

Also see Hadoop Schedulers Tutorial – Job Scheduling in Hadoop

f) Resource Manager UI  (http://localhost:8088)

The web interface will display all running jobs on cluster information. Hence, this will help monitor the progress report.

Hadoop Installation – Resource Manager UI

4.5. Stopping the clusters

To Stop the HDFS Services we use To Stop YARN Services we use

Install Hadoop on Ubuntu – Stopping the clusters

You have successfully installed Hadoop 2.8.x on Ubuntu. Now you can play with big data using Hadoop HDFS commands. For any queries on How to install Hadoop on Ubuntu just drop a comment and we will be back to you.
See Also-

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