Why YARN was needed?

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    • #4784
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      What is the need of YARN in Hadoop?
      Why YARN?

    • #4785
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Hadoop Yarn

      Yarn – “Yet Another Resource Negotiator”
      It is the resource management layer of Hadoop. To run and process data stored in HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), it permits different data processing engines like graph processing, interactive processing, stream processing as well as batch processing. Yarn also does job Scheduling, apart from resource management. It can take the advantages of HDFS (most reliable and popular storage system on the planet) and economic cluster by extending the power of Hadoop to other evolving technologies.

      Though, to learn about Yarn in detail, follow the link: Hadoop Yarn Tutorial for Beginners

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