Free Python Project-based Certification Course [Hindi]

Free Python Project-based Certification Course [Hindi]

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Consisting of all the Python concepts from scratch, this Python Project course is the best pick for anyone interested to learn Python skills. This Python Project course includes both theoretical concepts and coding exercises, making you crack your desired job.

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What will you take home from this Free Python Project Course?

  • Self-paced video course
  • 170+ hrs of study material, practicals, quizzes
  • Acquire practical knowledge which industry needs
  • Practical Python Project course with real-time case-studies
  • Lifetime access with industry renowned certification
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Why should you enroll in this Free Python Project course?

  • Real time projects for hands on experience
  • Get a strong Python foundation
  • Learn the basic syntax of Python
  • Get to know using variables, built-in functions, operators
  • Understand using conditional statements
  • Coding looping statements
  • Comprehending linear data structures
  • Learning functions in Python
  • Get knowledge of the Python programming language
  • Understanding object oriented programming concepts
  • Handling files using Python
  • Exceptions Handling, Assertions, and iterators
  • Getting to know sorting and searching algorithms
  • Learn to do string patterning using regular expressions
  • Understanding GUI Programming
  • Accessing the Database using SQLite

Python Project Course Objectives

This Python Project course is a blend of theory and coding concepts giving the learner hands-on experience. Starting from the basics, this training will cover advanced concepts including data science concepts, database handling, and gui programming.

Python is an easy to learn and widely used programming language with beginner friendly syntax. It is high-level, general-purpose, and is one of the popular programming languages. With its wide range of libraries and packages, it has a very big area of applications in the industry in various domains including IT, finance, academics, medical, etc.

This Python Project course gives a strong foundation for anyone interested to learn Python programming language. The topics covered as a part of this Python Project course give comprehensive knowledge of programming concepts and coding with Python.

It starts with basic syntax, variables and data types. After that conditional statements are covered followed by looping statements, for and while loops. Then functions related concepts are covered including built-in functions. After this, modules, file handling and exception handling are taught.

Then regular expressions and object oriented programming are taught. This is followed by Searching and Sorting Algorithms. After this, fundamental data science libraries are discussed.

Finally, GUI Programming with Tkinter and Database handling using SQLite are covered.

To conclude, this Python Project course is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to learn Python programming language and get hands-on experience with coding in Python.

Starting with Syntax, covers all the fundamentals of any programming language including

  • Variables and naming convention
  • If-else statements, loops, and functions
  • Regular expressions
  • OOPs Concepts
  • Data science libraries
  • Tkinter and SQLite

This Python Project course comes with codes and quizzes to give you more understanding of the discussed concepts. And also contains real time projects giving hands on experience and help you build confidence in the skills acquired through the course.

Designed with a motive to expand your knowledge in all the fundamentals of programming through Python, this course will let the learner excel with coding. And with a multitude of use cases including web development, machine learning, etc. this Python Project course will guide the learner to grab a job in the respective field of interest.

Online Python Project Free Training Course Curriculum

Features of Python Project Free Course

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