How to change the replication factor of data which is already stored in HDFS ?

Free Online Certification Courses – Learn Today. Lead Tomorrow. Forums Apache Hadoop How to change the replication factor of data which is already stored in HDFS ?

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  • Author
    • #5528
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      If data is present in HDFS and Replication Factor is defined, then how can we change Replication Factor of data already stored in hdfs? The global RF is 4 but for few files, I want to increase the replication factor to 6, since I want to do this for limited files, not all the data in hdfs, no need to change the configuration parameter in hdfs-site.xml. Without moving the data can we increase it dynamically?

    • #5529
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Default replication factor in HDFS is 3
      In order to change this we can issue below command :
      where /user/hadoop/sample.txt is path of file in HDFS

      4 : new replication factor

      $ hadoop dfs -setrep -R -w 4 /user/hadoop/sample.txt

    • #5531
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      The command to change the replication factor of existing file to 2
      $./bin/hadoop dfs -setrep -w <2> <path of file>
      The command to change the replication factor of entire HDFS to 2

      $.hadoop dfs -setrep -R -w 2 /user/hadoop/sample.txt

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