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OLS Regression in R – 8 Simple Steps to Implement OLS Regression Model


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Struggling to implement OLS regression In R? 

Forget all your troubles, you have landed on the most relevant page. This article is a complete guide of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression Modeling. It will make you an expert in executing commands and implementing OLS regression in R programming.

What is OLS Regression in R?

OLS Regression in R programming is a type of statistical technique, that is used for modeling. It is also used for the analysis of linear relationships between a response variable. If the relationship between the two variables is linear, a straight line can be drawn to model their relationship. This will also fit accurately to our dataset.

The linear equation for a bivariate regression takes the following form:

y = mx + c

where, y = response(dependent) variable

m = gradient(slope)

x = predictor(independent) variable

c = the intercept

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OLS in R – Linear Model Estimation using Ordinary Least Squares

1. Keywords

Models, regression

2. Usage

ols(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action=na.delete,

method=”qr”, model=FALSE,

x=FALSE, y=FALSE,, linear.predictors=TRUE,

penalty=0, penalty.matrix, tol=1e-7, sigma,

var.penalty=c(‘simple’,’sandwich’), …)

3. Arguments

These are the arguments used in OLS in R programming:

Y ~ rcs(x1,5)*lsp(x2,c(10,20))

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OLS Data Analysis: Descriptive Stats

Several built-in commands for describing data has been present in R.

1. Other Useful Commands:

OLS Regression Commands for Data Analysis

These are useful OLS regression commands for data analysis:

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How to Implement OLS Regression in R

To implement OLS in R, we will use the lm command that performs linear modeling. The dataset that we will be using is the UCI Boston Housing Prices that are openly available.

For the implementation of OLS regression in R, we use – Data (CSV)

So, let’s start with the steps with our first R linear regression model.

Step 1:  First, we import the important library that we will be using in our code.

> library(caTools)


Step 2: Now, we read our data that is present in the .csv format (CSV stands for Comma Separated Values).

> data = read.csv("/home/admin1/Desktop/Data/hou_all.csv")


Step 3: Now, we will display the compact structure of our data and its variables with the help of str() function.

> str(data)


Step 4: Then to get a brief idea about our data, we will output the first 6 data values using the head() function.

> head(data)


Step 5: Now, in order to have an understanding of the various statistical features of our labels like mean, median, 1st Quartile value etc., we use the summary() function.

> summary(data)


Step 6: Now, we will take our first step towards building our linear model. Firstly, we initiate the set.seed() function with the value of 125. In R, set.seed() allows you to randomly generate numbers for performing simulation and modeling.

> set.seed(125)


Step 7: The next important step is to divide our data into training data and test data. We set the percentage of data division to 75%, meaning that 75% of our data will be training data and the rest 25% will be the test data.

> data_split = sample.split(data, SplitRatio = 0.75)
> train <- subset(data, data_split == TRUE)
> test <-subset(data, data_split == FALSE)


Step 8: Now that our data has been split into training and test set, we implement our linear modeling model as follows:

model <- lm(X1.1 ~ X0.00632 + X6.575 + X15.3 + X24, data = train) #DataFlair


Lastly, we display the summary of our model using the same summary() function that we had implemented above.

> summary(model)


And, that’s it! You have implemented your first OLS regression model in R using linear modeling!

OLS Diagnostics in R

-Outlier: Basically, it is an unusual observation.

-Leverage: It has the ability to change the slope of the regression line.

-Influence: The combined impact of strong leverage and outlier status.

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We have seen how OLS regression in R using ordinary least squares exist. Also, we have learned its usage as well as its command. Moreover, we have studied diagnostic in R which helps in showing graph. Now, you are an expert in OLS regression in R with knowledge of every command.

If you have any suggestion or feedback, please comment below.

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