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Why Learn R? 10 Handy Reasons to Learn R programming Language

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The questions which arise in the mind of every R aspirant before starting to learn R Programming is – Why Learn R? What are the reasons to learn R for Data Science? Here, in this tutorial, we will answer all these types of questions. And, I promise after completing this tutorial, you will not be having any confusion related to the importance of R Programming. So, let’s quickly start.

R is the most popular language in the world of Data Science. It is heavily used in analyzing data that is both structured and unstructured. This has made R, the standard language for performing statistical operations. R allows various features that set it apart from other Data Science languages. In this article, we will explain why you must learn R and how it will benefit you in the domain of Data Science.

Why Learn R Programming?

There are various reasons to learn R, we have listed the major ones that will surely answer your question to why learn R.

1. Why R is important for Data Science?

R plays a very important role in Data Science, you will be benefited with following operations in R.

2. Why R is Good for Business?

R will just not help you in the technical fields, it will also be a great help in your business.

3. R is a gateway to Lucrative Career

R language is used extensively in Data Science. This field offers some of the highest-paying jobs in the world today. Data Scientists who are proficient in R make more than $117,000 (Rs 80,56,093) on an average per year. If you want to enter the field of Data Science and earn a lucrative salary, then you must definitely learn R.

Wondering why R is important for Data Science? Then, do check out the article on – Reasons to Choose R for Data Science 

4. Open-source

R is an open-source language. It is maintained by a community of active users and you can avail R for free. You can modify various functions in R and make your own packages. Since R is issued under the General Public Licence (GNU), there are no restrictions on its usage.

5. Popularity

R has become one of the most popular programming languages in the industries. Conventionally, R was mostly used in academia but with the emergence of Data Science, the need for R in the industries became evident. R is used at Facebook for social network analysis. It is being used at Twitter for semantic analysis as well as visualizations.

6. Robust Visualization Library

R comprises of libraries like ggplot2, plotly that offer aesthetic graphical plots to its users. R is most widely recognized for its stunning visualizations which gives it an edge over other Data Science programming languages.

7. With R, you can develop amazing Web-Apps

R provides you with the ability to build aesthetic web-applications. Using the R Shiny package, you can develop interactive dashboards straight from the console of your R IDE. Using this, you can embed your visualizations and enhance the storytelling of your data analysis through aesthetic visualizations.

Any queries in why learn R article till now? Please comment below.

8. R enjoys a vast Community Support

R Programming is supported by a vast community that maintains and updates R. If you face any trouble with the code in R, you can avail the support of the community on places like Stack Overflow (of course you can also ask us any queries in the comment section below, DataFlair is always there for you!). There are several communities around the world that organize bootcamps and R meetups.

9. A go-to language for Statistics and Data Science

R is the standard language for Statistics and Data Science. R was developed for statistics, by statisticians. It has been in use even before the word “Data Science” was coined. Statisticians and Data Scientists are most familiar with R than any other programming language. R facilitates various statistical operations through its thousands of packages.

Its the right time to be aware of Statistical Programming in R

10. R is being used in almost every industry

R is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world today. It is used in almost every industry, ranging from finance, banking to medicine and manufacturing. R is used for portfolio management, risk analytics in finance and banking industries. It is used for carrying out an analysis of drug discovery and genomic analysis in bioinformatics. R is also used to implement various statistical measures to optimize industrial processes.

11. Seamless Integration with Big Data Technologies

One of the key advantages of learning R is its seamless integration with big data technologies such as Hadoop and Spark. R provides specialized packages and extensions that enable data scientists to leverage the distributed computing capabilities of these platforms for processing and analyzing large-scale datasets. By harnessing the power of Hadoop and Spark with R, users can tackle complex analytical tasks, perform scalable data processing, and derive valuable insights from massive datasets, making R an essential tool for big data analytics.

Programming Features of R

R has various programming features which we will discuss below:

1. Data Inputs and Data Management

2. Distributed Computing and R Packages

Not aware about R Packages? Don’t worry, here is the R Packages Tutorial for you.

Advantages and Disadvantages of R Programming

There are several benefits and some limitations of the R programming language. Let us discuss them one by one:

Pros of R Language

Cons of R Language


Data Science is the most popular technology in the world today. Since it is mostly comprised of statistics, R is the lingua franca of this field. We went through the various points which delineate why learning R is the first choice for mastering Data Science. In the end, we conclude that learning R will have immense benefits that will provide you with the right tools to deal with data on a large scale.

Now your next step should be – Career Opportunities and Scope of R Programming

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