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Download Face Mask Detector Project Source Code

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Face Mask Detector with Computer vision in Python – Critical project for the safety against COVID-19

The hottest topic in the industry is computer vision, similar to humans, computers can also see and take a decision.

In this project, we will build a model to detect whether a person is wearing mask in real-time. We will do this using the concepts of computer vision using the OpenCV library and Keras

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence (AI) that has networks capable of learning unsupervised from data that is unstructured or unlabeled. Do you want to master deep learning, work on these amazing Deep Learning projects.

Category: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

Programming Language: Python

Tools & Libraries: OpenCV

IDE: Google Colab

Front End: NA

Back End: Python

Prerequisites: Python, Deep Learning, Machine Learning

Intended Audience: Education, Developers, Data Scientists, AI professionals

Proficiency: Beginner

Face Mask Detector Project Code Download

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