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Constructor Chaining in Java – Changing Order & Using Super () Keyword

Constructor Chaining in Java

Constructor Chaining in Java

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In our previous tutorial, we discussed Copy Constructor and Constructor Overloading in Java in detail. Here, we will learn about Constructor Chaining in Java with examples. Moreover, we will check what happens if we change the order of constructors and Java constructor chaining to other class using super() keyword.

So, let’s start Constructor Chaining in Java.

What is Constructor Chaining in Java?

Java constructor chaining is a method of calling one constructor with the help of another while considering the present object.

It can be done in 2 ways –

Constructor chaining happens through legacy. A subclass constructor’s undertaking is to call superclass’ constructor first. This guarantees formation of subclass protest begins with the introduction of the information individuals from the superclass. There could be any quantities of classes in a legacy chain. Each constructor calls up the chain till class at the best is come to.

This procedure is utilized when we need to play out various errands in a solitary constructor as opposed to making a code for each assignment in a solitary constructor we make a different constructor for each undertaking and make their chain which makes the program clearer.

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Constructor Chaining In Java

class Temp
System.out.println("The Default constructor");
Temp(int x)
this(5, 15);
Temp(int x, int y)
System.out.println(x * y);
public static void main(String args[])
new Temp();

The Default constructor

a. What happens if we change the order of constructors?

class Temp
Temp(int x)
Temp(int x, int y)
System.out.println(x * y);
public static void main(String args[])
new Temp(8, 10);

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b. Constructor Chaining to other class using super() keyword

class Base
String name;
System.out.println("No-argument constructor of" +
" base class");
Base(String name)
{ = name;
System.out.println("Calling parameterized constructor"
+ " of base");
class Derived extends Base
System.out.println("No-argument constructor " +
"of derived");
Derived(String name)
System.out.println("Calling parameterized " +
"constructor of derived");
public static void main(String args[])
Derived obj = new Derived("test");

Calling parameterized constructor of a base
Calling parameterized constructor of derived

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Error Handling in Constructor Chaining

Constructor chaining can be used to implement robust error-handling mechanisms. By throwing exceptions from constructors and handling them in higher-level constructors, you can ensure that objects are always created in a valid state. For instance, a constructor might throw an IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is passed. A higher-level constructor can catch this exception, log the error, and provide a default value for the parameter.

Benefits of Constructor Chaining:

1. Improved Code Reusability: Constructor chaining allows you to reuse common initialization logic across different constructors, reducing code duplication.

2. Enhanced Readability: By delegating initialization steps to smaller constructors, complex object creation becomes easier to understand, following a clear step-by-step process.

3. Better Maintainability: Breaking down initialization into smaller chunks makes code easier to modify and maintain in the future.

So, this was all about Constructor Chaining in Java Tutorial. Hope you like our explanation.


Hence, we learned about Constructor Chaining In Java Programming Language. In addition, we checked two conditions: what happens if we change the order of constructors and Java constructor chaining to other class using super() keyword. We hope through this document we solve all your queries, share your feedback in the comment section.

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