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Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming – Feature wise Comparison

1. Objective

This tutorial will cover the comparison between Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming. Apache Storm is the stream processing engine for processing real-time streaming data. While Apache Spark is general purpose computing engine. It provides Spark Streaming to handle streaming data. It process data in near real-time. Let’s understand which is better in the battle of Spark vs storm.

So, let’s start the comparison of Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming.

Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming – Feature wise Comparison

2. Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming Comparison

The following description shows the detailed feature wise difference between Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming. These differences will help you know which is better to use between Apache Storm and Spark. Let’s have a look on each feature one by one-

i. Processing Model

ii. Primitives

iii. State Management

iv. Message Delivery Guarantees (Handling message level failures)

v. Fault Tolerance (Handling process/node level failures)

vi. Debuggability and Monitoring

  1. Processing Time – The time to process every batch of data.
  2. Scheduling Delay – The time a batch stays in a queue for the process previous batches to complete.

vii. Auto Scaling

viii. Yarn Integration

ix. Isolation

x. Open Source Apache Community

xi. Ease of development

xii. Ease of Operability

xiv. Language Options

So, this was all in Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming. Hope you like the explanation

3. Conclusion – Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming

Hence, the difference between Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming shows that Apache Storm is a solution for real-time stream processing. But Storm is very complex for developers to develop applications. Very few resources available in the market for it.
Storm can solve only one type of problem i.e Stream processing. But the industry needs a generalized solution which can solve all the types of problems. For example Batch processing, stream processing interactive processing as well as iterative processing. Here Apache Spark comes into limelight which is a general purpose computation engine. It can handle any type of problem. Apart from this Apache Spark is much too easy for developers and can integrate very well with Hadoop.
If you feel like something is missing in above article of Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming. So, please drop a comment.
See Also-
Apache Hadoop vs Spark vs Flink.

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