Vijay Anjur

Vijay Anjur

Overall delivery of big data Hadoop dataflair course was good. Instructor Anish was so fluent with the subject and his way of teaching kept the class interesting and focused. Each assignment that were assigned was real life practical problems which help when transitioning from class to real-world projects. Anish passionately requested hard work and keeping up with the course assignments is a must to fully realize the full potential of the course. In short, I would signup for another course with data flair without a second thought. It was perfect. Anish pointed out at the beginning, every assignment requires to solve configuration issues and of course the assignment objective itself. He was passionate, he was fluent with the subject being hands-on programmer himself. He was clear and concise and although it was virtual. His way of teaching kept me focused and never felt I was not sitting with him in the class. Thanks to Santhosh and Anish who were picking up my questions as the course was going on and answering the questions as the class was going on without breaking the flow. The instructor let the students to solve the issues without spoon feeding which was challenging and the interesting part was when I googled for questions, data-flair was top of the search results answering my questions.

Vijay Anjur
Engineering Manager at Oracle
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