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Convert Text to Speech in Python

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Learn how to convert your Text into Voice with Python and Google APIs

Text to speech is a process to convert any text into voice. Text to speech project takes words on digital devices and convert them into audio with a button click or finger touch. Text to speech python project is very helpful for people who are struggling with reading.

Project Prerequisites

To implement this project, we will use the basic concepts of Python, Tkinter, gTTS, and playsound libraries.

To install the required libraries, you can use pip install command:

pip install tkinter
pip install gTTS
pip install playsound

Download Python Text to Speech Project Code

Please download the source code of Text to Speech Project: Python Text to Speech

Text to Speech Python Project

The objective of this project is to convert the text into voice with the click of a button. This project will be developed using Tkinter, gTTs, and playsound library.

In this project, we add a message which we want to convert into voice and click on play button to play the voice of that text message.

So these are the basic steps that we will do in this Python project. Let’s start.

1. Import Libraries

Let’s start by importing the libraries: tkinter, gTTS, and playsound

from tkinter import *
From gtts import gTTS
From playsound import playsound

2. Initializing window

root = Tk()
geometry root.("350x300") 
root.configure(bg='ghost white')
root.title("DataFlair - TEXT TO SPEECH")
Label(root, text = "TEXT_TO_SPEECH", font = "arial 20 bold", bg='white smoke').pack()
Label(text ="DataFlair", font = 'arial 15 bold', bg ='white smoke' , width = '20').pack(side = 'bottom')

Msg = StringVar()
Label(root,text ="Enter Text", font = 'arial 15 bold', bg ='white smoke').place(x=20,y=60)

entry_field = Entry(root, textvariable = Msg ,width ='50'),y=100)

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Label() widget is used to display one or more than one line of text that users can’t able to modify.

3. Function to Convert Text to Speech in Python

def Text_to_speech():
    Message = entry_field.get()
    speech = gTTS(text = Message)'DataFlair.mp3')

As we want the default value of lang, so no need to give that to gTTS.

4. Function to Exit

def Exit():

root.destroy() will quit the program by stopping the mainloop().

5. Function to Reset

def Reset():

Reset function set Msg variable to empty strings.

6. Define Buttons

Button(root, text = "PLAY", font = 'arial 15 bold' , command = Text_to_speech ,width = '4').place(x=25,y=140)

Button(root, font = 'arial 15 bold',text = 'EXIT', width = '4' , command = Exit, bg = 'OrangeRed1').place(x=100 , y = 140)

Button(root, font = 'arial 15 bold',text = 'RESET', width = '6' , command = Reset).place(x=175 , y = 140)

Button() widget used to display button on the window



root.mainloop() is a method that executes when we want to run our program.

Python Text to Speech Project Output


We have successfully developed the text to speech python project. We used the popular tkinter library for rendering graphics on a display window, gTTs (google text to speech) library to convert text to voice, and playsound library to play that converter voice from the text.

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