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Python Shop Management System with Source Code

python project shop management system

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Shop management system helps to store the database of the shop including item name, item price, item quantity, item category, item discount. So we can easily find out if we need any data about the shop. It’s a very interesting project in python programming. Let’s develop shop management system using python modules.

Python Shop Management System- Project Details

Shop Management System is a GUI-based project using Tkinter and a message module used for storing the database of shops.

We can add new items that are bought by the customers, we can delete any particular item and we can search for any item. We can view all the databases that we have stored in the file.

Project Prerequisite

Shop management system requires good knowledge of python and the Tkinter library. Tkinter is the python binding to the Tk toolkit which is used across many programming languages for building the Graphical user interface which is a GUI, known about os library. Also known about the tkinter message box which is used to display the message box on the python game window. To work on this project basic understanding of the os module is also required.

Download Shop Management System Python Code

Please download the source code of Python Shop Management System project from the following link: Shop Management System Project

Steps to Build Python Shop Management System

Below are the steps to develop shop / store management system project in python

  1. Import Modules
  2. Initializing the window
  3. Function to add items
  4. Function to delete items
  5. Function for making list
  6. Function to search items
  7. Function to clear screen
  8. Exit function
  9. Define buttons labels and entry widget

Step 1- Importing Modules.

#DataFlair- import modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
import os

Code Explanation-

Step 2- Initializing the window

root = Tk()
root.title("Shop Management System by DataFlair")

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Step 3- Function to add items

def Add_Items():
    global variable
    Lines_no = 0
    with open("Proj_Database", 'r') as f10:
        for line in f10:
            Lines_no += 1
    EN1= Entry_1.get()
    f.write('{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\n'.format(str(EN1),EN2,EN3,str(EN4),EN5))
    Entry_1.delete(0, END)
    Entry_2.delete(0, END)
    Entry_3.delete(0, END)
    Entry_4.delete(0, END)
    Entry_5.delete(0, END)
    messagebox.showinfo("ADD ITEM", "ITEM ADDED SUCCESSFULLY....!!!!!")

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Step 4- Function to delete items

def Delete_Items():
    with open(r"Proj_Database") as f, open(r"Proj_Database1", "w") as working:
        for line in f:
            if str(E1) not in line:
    entry1.delete(0, END)
    entry2.delete(0, END)
    entry3.delete(0, END)
    entry4.delete(0, END)
    entry5.delete(0, END)
    os.rename(r"Proj_Database1", r"Proj_Database")
    messagebox.showinfo("DELETE ITEM", "ITEM DELETED SUCCESSFULLY....!!!!!")

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Step 5- Function for making list

def list():
    global var
    root_1 = Tk()
    root_1.title("Stationary Store Database")
    scroll = Scrollbar(root_1)  
    scroll.pack( side = RIGHT, fill = Y)
    My_text = Text(root_1, yscrollcommand = scroll.set ,width=24,height= 18 ,bg= "gray",fg="black", font=("Times", 16))
    string =
    My_text.pack( side = LEFT, fill = BOTH )
    scroll.config( command = My_text.yview )

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Step 6- Function to search items

def Search_Item():
    entry1.delete(0, END)
    entry2.delete(0, END)
    entry3.delete(0, END)
    entry4.delete(0, END)
    entry5.delete(0, END)
    flag = 1
    E1 = entry6.get()
    with open(r"Proj_Database") as working:
        for line in working:
            if str(E1) in line:
                flag = 0
           if flag != 1:
                v = list(line.split(" "))
                entry1.delete(0, END)
                entry2.delete(0, END)
                entry3.delete(0, END)
                entry4.delete(0, END)
                entry5.delete(0, END)
                entry1.insert(0, str(v[0]))
                entry2.insert(0, str(v[1]))
                entry3.insert(0, str(v[2]))
                entry4.insert(0, str(v[3]))
                entry5.insert(0, str(v[4]))
            messagebox.showinfo("Title", "Error end of file")
        if flag !=0:
            messagebox.showinfo("Title", "NOT FOUND")

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Step 7- Function to clear screen

def Clear_Item():
    entry1.delete(0, END)
    entry2.delete(0, END)
    entry3.delete(0, END)
    entry4.delete(0, END)
    entry5.delete(0, END)
    entry6.delete(0, END)

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Step 8- Exit function

def Exit():
    Exit= messagebox.askyesno("Exit the System","Do you want to Exit(y/n)?")
    if Exit > 0:

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Step 9- Define buttons labels and entry widget

#All labels Entrys Button grid place
Label_0= Label(root,text="SHOP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BY DATAFLAIR ",fg="black",font=("Times new roman", 30, 'bold'))
Label_1=Label(root,text="ENTER ITEM NAME",bg="#e8c1c7",fg="black",bd=8,font=("Times new roman", 12, 'bold'),width=25)
Entry_1=Entry(root, font=("Times new roman", 14),bd=8,width=25)
Label_2=Label(root, text="ENTER ITEM PRICE",height="1",bg="#e8c1c7",bd=8,fg="black", font=("Times new roman", 12, 'bold'),width=25)
Entry_2= Entry(root, font=("Times new roman", 14),bd=8,width=25)
Label_3=Label(root, text="ENTER ITEM QUANTITY",bg="#e8c1c7",bd=8,fg="black", font=("Times new roman", 12, 'bold'),width=25)
Entry_3= Entry(root, font=("Times new roman", 14),bd=8,width=25)
Label_4=Label(root, text="ENTER ITEM CATEGORY",bg="#e8c1c7",bd=8,fg="black", font=("Times new roman", 12, 'bold'),width=25)
Entry_4= Entry(root, font=("Times new roman", 14),bd=8,width=25)
Label_5=Label(root, text="ENTER ITEM DISCOUNT",bg="#e8c1c7",fg="black",bd=8, font=("Times new roman", 12, 'bold'),width=25)
Label_5.grid(row=5,column=0, padx=10, pady=10)
Entry_5= Entry(root, font=("Times new roman", 14),bd=8,width=25)
Entry_5.grid(row=5,column=1, padx=10, pady=10)
Button_1= Button(root,text="ADD ITEM",bd=8, bg="#49D810", fg="black", width=25, font=("Times new roman", 12),command=Add_Items)
Button_1.grid(row=6,column=0, padx=10, pady=10)
Button_2= Button(root, text="DELETE ITEM",bd=8, bg="#49D810", fg="black", width =25, font=("Times new roman", 12),command=Delete_Items)
Button_2.grid(row=6,column=1, padx=40, pady=10)
Button_3= Button(root, text="VIEW DATABASE",bd=8, bg="#49D810", fg="black", width =25, font=("Times new roman", 12),command=list)
Button_3.grid(row=3,column=3, padx=40, pady=10)
Button_4= Button(root, text="SEARCH ITEM",bd=8, bg="#49D810", fg="black", width =25, font=("Times new roman", 12),command=Search_Item)
Button_4.grid(row=2,column=3, padx=40, pady=10)
Button_5= Button(root, text="CLEAR SCREEN",bd=8, bg="#49D810", fg="black", width=25, font=("Times new roman", 12),command=Clear_Item)
Button_5.grid(row=4,column=3, padx=40, pady=10)
Button_6= Button(root,highlightcolor="blue",activebackground="red", text="Exit",bd=8, bg="#FF0000", fg="#EEEEF1", width=25, font=("Times", 40),command=Exit),y=337,height= 102,width=245)
Entry_6= Entry(root, font=("Times new roman", 14),justify='left',bd=8,width=25)
Entry_6.grid(row=1,column=3, padx=10, pady=10)

Code Explanation-

Python Shop Management System Output


We have successfully created a python contact book project using the Graphical user Interface(GUI). We have learned about the Tkinter module.

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