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Python Screen Recorder Project with Source Code

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There are many screen recording apps for different operating systems. With the help of these screen recording apps, we can record a screen while playing a video game, composing a specific code, researching something online, and much more. Let’s build a screen recorder project in python.

What is the Screen Recorder?

Screen recorder is software that captures content and activities that take place on a computer screen. Screen recorder is useful during tasks such as creating video tutorials, recording screen content, etc.

Python Screen Recorder Project

Here we have made a screen recorder project in python to capture our screen. We have made a GUI. We are able to see previews after clicking on the preview button. By clicking on the rec button the screen gets recorded and the video is saved in the particular folder.

Screen Recorder Project Prerequisite

This project requires good knowledge of python programming language and cv2, numpy, tkinter, PIL, modules as well as datetime and threading modules. The Cv2 module is used for capturing the screen.

Download Screen Recorder Python Code

Please download the source code of Python Screen Recorder Project from the following link: Screen Recorder Project

Steps to Build a Python Screen Recorder

  1. Import modules
  2. Initializing screen
  3. Function for display and reset time
  4. Function for screen recording
  5. Function to start recording
  6. Function for recording button
  7. Making labels and buttons

Step 1- Importing Modules

#DataFlair - Importing modules
import numpy as np
import cv2
from PIL import ImageGrab
from tkinter import *
import threading
import datetime

Code Explanation-

Step 2- Initializing window

# Initializing window
window = Tk()
window.title('Screen Recorder')
window.resizable(width=False, height=False)
frame = Frame(window)

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Step 3- Function for display and reset time

def Display_T():
    global Recorded, Secs, Mins, Hrs
    if Recorded:
        if Secs == 60:
            Secs = 0
            Mins += 1
        elif Mins == 60:
            Mins = 0
            Hrs += 1
        TimeCounter_Label.config(text=str(Hrs) + ':' + str(Mins) + ':' + str(Secs))
        Secs += 1
        TimeCounter_Label.after(1000, Display_T)
def Resetting_T():
    global Secs, Mins, Hrs
    Secs = 0
    Mins = 0
    Hrs = 0

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Step 4- Function to start recording

def Starts_Recording():
    global Recorded
    Recorded = not Recorded
    Button_Rec_thread = threading.Thread(target=Recording)
    Thread_Counter = threading.Thread(target=Display_T)
    Thread_Screen = threading.Thread(target=Screen_Recording)
    if Recorded:
    if Target == 'screen':

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Step 5- Function for screen recording

# Function for Screen Recording
Recorded = False
Target = 'screen'
Show_Preview = True
def Screen_Recording():
    global Show_Preview, Recorded
    name = 'screen'
    Now =
    date = Now.strftime("%H%M%S")
    FileFormat = 'mp4'
    filename = name + str(date) + '.' + FileFormat
    FeetPerSec = 24
    Resolutions = (1366, 768)
    Thumb_Resolutions = (342, 192)
    Four_Char_Code = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
    writer = cv2.VideoWriter(filename, Four_Char_Code, FeetPerSec, Resolutions)
    while True:
        IMG = ImageGrab.grab()
        np_IMG = np.array(IMG)
        frame = cv2.cvtColor(np_IMG, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        if Show_Preview:
            Thumb = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=Thumb_Resolutions)
            cv2.imshow('Preview - Screen Recorder', Thumb)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27:
            Recorded = False
            Label_Message['text'] = 'Video was saved as ' + filename

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Step 6- Function for recording button

# Function for recording button
def Recording():
    global Recorded
    if Recorded:
        Button_Rec['state'] = DISABLED
        Label_Message['text'] = 'Press ESC to quit.'
        Button_Rec['state'] = NORMAL

Code Explanation-

Step 7- Making labels and buttons

# Making labels and buttons
Button_Rec = Button(frame, text='REC', command=Starts_Recording, font=("Times new roman",30,"bold"),bg='#e50914',  activebackground='#ab070f')
Button_Rec.grid(row=20 , column=2)
TimeCounter_Label = Label(frame, text='0:0:0',font=("Times new roman",18,"bold"), bg='black', fg='white')
TimeCounter_Label.grid(row=1, column=3)
Frame_message = Frame(window)
Label_Message = Label(Frame_message, width=3 * 14, bg='black', fg='white')

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Python Screen Recorder Output


We have successfully created a screen recorder in python using the Graphical user Interface(GUI). We have learned about the Numpy, PIL Tkinter, cv2 modules.

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