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How to Install Hadoop 3 on Ubuntu – A Step-by step Installation Process

how to install hadoop 3 on ubuntu - easy steps for beginners

With this tutorial, we will learn the complete process to install Hadoop 3 on ubuntu. The process involves some easy-to-follow steps including commands and instructions. Each step is attached with screen images which will guide you throughout the process of Hadoop installation.

Let’s begin the process.

Steps to Install Hadoop 3 on Ubuntu


First, download the Hadoop 3.1.2 from the below link:

Hadoop 3.1.2

Here are the steps for installing Hadoop 3 on ubuntu for your system:

Step 1: Install ssh on your system using the below command:

sudo apt-get install ssh

Type the password for the sudo user and then press Enter.

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Type ‘Y’ and then press Enter to continue with the installation process.

Step 2: Install pdsh on your system using the below command:

sudo apt-get install pdsh

Install pdsh command

pdsh installation

Type ‘Y’ and then press Enter to continue with the installation process.

Step 3: Open the .bashrc file in the nano editor using the following command:

nano .bashrc

Now set the PDSH_RCMD_TYPE environment variable to ssh

export PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh

To save the changes you’ve made, press Ctrl+O. To exit the nano editor, press Ctrl+X and then press ‘Y’ to exit the editor.

Step 4: Now configure ssh. To do so, create a new key with the help of the following command (don’t copy-paste following command, rather type):

ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""

Press Enter when asked the file name.

Step 5: Copy the content of the public key to authorized_keys.

cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Step 6: Now examine the SSH setup by connecting to the localhost.

ssh localhost

connection check of ssh

Type ‘Y’ and then press Enter to continue with the connection.

Step 7: Update the source lists.

sudo apt-get update

command to update packages

updating packages

Step 8: Now install Java 8 using the following command:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

java installation

Type ‘Y’ and then press Enter to finish with the installation process.

java installation completion

Step 9: To cross-check whether you have successfully installed Java on your machine or not, run the below command:

java -version

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Please Download Hadoop from the link given in the first section and copy the setup in your home directory (/home/USER-NAME)

Hadoop Installation on Ubuntu

Step 10: Now locate the Hadoop tar file in your system.

Step 11: Extract the hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz file using the below command:

tar xzf hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz

extract hadoop files

Step 12: Rename hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz as hadoop for ease of use.

mv hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz hadoop

Any doubts in the process to install Hadoop 3.1.2 till now? Share them in the comment section.

Step 14: Now check the Java home path

ls /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/

Step 15: Open the file in the nano editor. This file is located in ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory).

nano hadoop-env

Now, Set JAVA_HOME path:

export JAVA_HOME=<path-to-the-root-of-your-Java-installation> (eg: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/)

To save the changes you’ve made, press Ctrl+O. To exit the nano editor, press Ctrl+X and then press ‘Y’ to exit the editor.

Step 16: Open the core-site.xml file in the nano editor. This file is also located in the ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory).

nano core-site.xml

Add the following configuration properties:


Note: /home/dataflair/hdata is a sample location; please specify a location where you have Read Write privileges

Step 17: Open the hdfs-site.xml file in the nano editor. This file is also located in ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory):

nano hdfs-site.xml

Add the following entries in core-site.xml:


Step 18: Open the mapred-site.xml file in the nano editor. This file is also located in ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory).

nano mapred-site.xml

Add the following entries in core-site.html:


Step 19: Open the yarn-site.xml file in the nano editor. This file is also located in ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory).

nano yarn-site.xml

Add the following entries in the yarn-site.xml:


Step 20: Open the bashrc files in the nano editor using the following command:

nano .bashrc

Edit .bashrc file located in the user’s home directory and add the following parameters:

export HADOOP_HOME="/home/dataflair/hadoop"
export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin 

To save the changes you’ve made, press Ctrl+O. To exit the nano editor, press Ctrl+X and then press ‘Y’ to exit the editor.

Now, source the bashrc file so that the changes will come into effect:

source ~/.bashrc

Step 21: Before starting Hadoop, we need to format HDFS, which can be done using the below command:

hdfs namenode -format

namenode format command

namenode format

Step 22: Start the HDFS services:


command to start hadoop cluster

hadoop cluster started

Step 23: Open the HDFS web console:


Step 24: Now start the yarn services:


command to start yarn

yarn started


The ‘jps’ command is used to check whether all the Hadoop processes are running or not.

Step 25: Open the yarn web console:


We have successfully installed Hadoop 3 on ubuntu. I hope you found the article useful.

What Next?

Start working on Hadoop Hadoop HDFS Commands Tutorial

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