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How to Install Hadoop 2.7 on Ubuntu | Hadoop Installation Steps

1. Install Hadoop 2.7 on Ubuntu Tutorial: Objective

This Install Hadoop 2.7 on Ubuntu tutorial explains about How to install and configure Hadoop 2.7.x on Ubuntu? In this tutorial, we will step by step guide you on how to install Hadoop and deploy Hadoop on the Single server (single node cluster) on Ubuntu OS. This quick start will help you to install Hadoop 2.7 on ubuntu, configure and run it in less than 10 min. While installation we will enable YARN so that apart from MapReduce you can run different types of applications like Spark.
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How to Install Hadoop 2.7 on Ubuntu | Hadoop Installation Steps

2. How to Install Hadoop 2.7 on Ubuntu?

In this section of  Hadoop 2.7 installation tutorial, we will learn step by step to install and configure Hadoop 2.7.x on Ubuntu OS. Follow the steps given below to install Hadoop 2.7 –

2.1. Prerequisites to install Hadoop 2.7 on Ubuntu

If you are using Windows/Mac OS to install Hadoop 2.7 you can create a virtual machine and install Ubuntu using VMWare Player, alternatively, you can create a virtual machine and install Ubuntu using Oracle Virtual Box.

I. Install Oracle Java 8

a. Install Python Software Properties

[php]sudo apt-get install python-software-properties[/php]

b. Add Repository

[php]sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java[/php]

c. Update the source list

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[php]sudo apt-get update[/php]

d. Install Java

[php]sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer[/php]

II. Setup Password-less SSH

a. Install Open SSH Server & Open SSH Client

[php]sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client[/php]

b. Generate Public & Private Key Pairs

[php]ssh-keygen -t rsa -P “”[/php]

c. Configure password-less SSH

[php]cat $HOME/.ssh/ >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys[/php]

d. Check by SSH to localhost

[php]ssh localhost[/php]

3.1. Configure, Setup and Install Hadoop 2.7 on Ubuntu

I. Download Hadoop

II. Untar Tar ball

[php]tar xzf hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz[/php]

Note: All the required jars, scripts, configuration files, etc. are available in HADOOP_HOME directory (hadoop-2.7.1)

III. Setup Configuration

a. Edit .bashrc

Edit .bashrc file located in user’s home directory and add following parameters:

[php]export HADOOP_PREFIX=/home/hdadmin/hadoop-2.7.1
export HADOOP_OPTS=”-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_PREFIX/lib”[/php]

Note: After above step restarts the terminal so that all the environment variables will come into effect

b. Edit

Edit ( is located in etc/hadoop inside Hadoop installation directory) and set JAVA_HOME:

[php]export JAVA_HOME=<root-of-your-Java-installation> (eg: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/)[/php]

c. Edit core-site.xml

Edit core-site.xml (core-site.xml is located in etc/hadoop inside Hadoop installation directory) and add following entries:


Note: you must have Read Write privileges in /home/hdadmin/hdata else specify a location where you have Read Write privileges.

d. Edit hdfs-site.xml

Edit hdfs-site.xml (hdfs-site.xml is located in etc/hadoop inside Hadoop installation directory) and add following entries:


e. Edit mapred-site.xml

Edit mapred-site.xml (mapred-site.xml.template is located in etc/hadoop inside Hadoop installation directory, copy the file with the name mapred-site.xml) and add following entries:


f. Edit yarn-site.xml

Edit yarn-site.xml (yarn-site.xml is located in etc/hadoop inside Hadoop installation directory) and add following entries:


4.1. Start the Cluster

I. Format the name node:

[php]hdfs namenode -format[/php]

NOTE: Namenode should be formatted just once when you install Hadoop.

II. Start HDFS Services:


III. Start YARN Services:


IV. Check whether services have been started


5.1. Run Map-Reduce Jobs

I. Run word count example:

[php]hdfs dfs -mkdir /data
hdfs dfs -put <file> /data
yarn jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.1.jar wordcount /data /data-out
hdfs dfs -cat /data-out/*[/php]

To work with HDFS and perform various operations follow this guide

6.1. Stop the Cluster

I. Stop HDFS Services:


II. Stop YARN Services:


This was all on the tutorial to install Hadoop 2.7 on Ubuntu in 10 minutes. For any queries on How to install Hadoop feel free to ask the question in the comment section below. We would also like to know you feedback on install Hadoop on Ubuntu tutorial.

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