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Create Fruit Ninja Game in Python – Cut the Delicious Fruits

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Fruit ninja game, also known as fruit-slicing game which is easy to play. Fruit ninja game is popular among children.

The objective of this project is to build a fruit ninja game with python. This game is built with the help of pygame module and basic concept of python.

In this game, the user has to cut the fruits by touching the mouse on fruits. There are also bombs with fruits. If the mouse touches more than three bombs then the game will be over.

Project Prerequisites

In this python project, we require pygame, random, sys, and os module of python. Please install pygame and random:

pip install pygame
Pip install random

Download Fruit Ninja Game Python Code

Please download source code of fruit ninja python project: Fruit Ninja Python Source Code

Project File Structure

These are the steps to build fruit ninja game :

Let’s start building the fruit ninja game in python

1. Importing required modules

import pygame, sys
import os
import random

Start this project by importing libraries.

2. Creating display window

player_lives = 3
score = 0
fruits = ['melon', 'orange', 'pomegranate', 'guava', 'bomb']
WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 500
FPS = 12

pygame.display.set_caption(‘FRUIT NINJA--DataFlair’)
gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

WHITE = (255,255,255)
BLACK = (0,0,0)
RED = (255,0,0)
GREEN = (0,255,0)
BLUE = (0,0,255)

background = pygame.image.load('back.jpg')
font = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'comic.ttf'), 32)
score_text = font.render('Score : ' + str(score), True, (255, 255, 255))
lives_icon = pygame.image.load('images/white_lives.png')

3. Generalized structure of the fruit Dictionary

def generate_random_fruits(fruit):
    fruit_path = "images/" + fruit + ".png"
    data[fruit] = {
        'img': pygame.image.load(fruit_path),
        'x' : random.randint(100,500),               
        'y' : 800,
        'speed_x': random.randint(-10,10),    
        'speed_y': random.randint(-80, -60),    
        'throw': False,                       
        't': 0,                               
        'hit': False,

    if random.random() >= 0.75:     
        data[fruit]['throw'] = True
        data[fruit]['throw'] = False

data = {}
for fruit in fruits:

4. Method to draw fonts

font_name = pygame.font.match_font('comic.ttf')

def draw_text(display, text, size, x, y):
    font = pygame.font.Font(font_name, size)
    text_surface = font.render(text, True, WHITE)
    text_rect = text_surface.get_rect()
    text_rect.midtop = (x, y)
    gameDisplay.blit(text_surface, text_rect)

5. Draw players lives

def draw_lives(display, x, y, lives, image) :
    for i in range(lives) :
        img = pygame.image.load(image)
        img_rect = img.get_rect()      
        img_rect.x = int(x + 35 * i)   
        img_rect.y = y                 
        display.blit(img, img_rect)

def hide_cross_lives(x, y):
    gameDisplay.blit(pygame.image.load("images/red_lives.png"), (x, y))

6. Show game over display & front display

def show_gameover_screen():
    gameDisplay.blit(background, (0,0))
    draw_text(gameDisplay, "FRUIT NINJA!", 64, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 4)
    if not game_over :
        draw_text(gameDisplay,"Score : " + str(score), 40, WIDTH / 2, 250)

    draw_text(gameDisplay, "Press a key to begin!", 24, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT * 3 / 4)
    waiting = True
    while waiting:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                waiting = False

7. Game Loop

first_round = True
game_over = True        
game_running = True    
while game_running :
    if game_over :
        if first_round :
            first_round = False
        game_over = False
        player_lives = 3
        draw_lives(gameDisplay, 690, 5, player_lives, 'images/red_lives.png')
        score = 0

    for event in pygame.event.get():

        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            game_running = False

    gameDisplay.blit(background, (0, 0))
    gameDisplay.blit(score_text, (0, 0))
    draw_lives(gameDisplay, 690, 5, player_lives, 'images/red_lives.png')

    for key, value in data.items():
        if value['throw']:
            value['x'] += value['speed_x']
            value['y'] += value['speed_y']
            value['speed_y'] += (1 * value['t'])
            value['t'] += 1

            if value['y'] <= 800:
                gameDisplay.blit(value['img'], (value['x'], value['y']))

            current_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

            if not value['hit'] and current_position[0] > value['x'] and current_position[0] < value['x']+60 \
                    and current_position[1] > value['y'] and current_position[1] < value['y']+60:
                if key == 'bomb':
                    player_lives -= 1
                    if player_lives == 0:
                        hide_cross_lives(690, 15)
                    elif player_lives == 1 :
                        hide_cross_lives(725, 15)
                    elif player_lives == 2 :
                        hide_cross_lives(760, 15)
                    if player_lives < 0 :
                        game_over = True

                    half_fruit_path = "images/explosion.png"
                    half_fruit_path = "images/" + "half_" + key + ".png"

                value['img'] = pygame.image.load(half_fruit_path)
                value['speed_x'] += 10
                if key != 'bomb' :
                    score += 1
                score_text = font.render('Score : ' + str(score), True, (255, 255, 255))
                value['hit'] = True



Fruit Ninja Project Output

Project Summary

We have successfully created the fruit ninja game python project. We used the popular pygame library. We learned how to randomly generate fruits in particular positions. I hope you enjoyed building this game project.

Disclaimer: Few of the images used in this project have been taken from Google, we do not hold the copyright of those images.

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