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What is the future for Android developers – Android Future Scope

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This would be a very genuine question that almost everyone will get prior to starting to learn Android. Anyone can have this very question that “What is the future for Android developers? Will there be any scope for Android Developers in the time to come? Is Android developer a good career option?” So, let us first see it through the facts, and then reach to the conclusion.

So, the fact that we all know is Android Shares more than 80% of the world’s mobile market share. Also, you should know that there are more than 3.5 billion users of Android, plus more than 3 million apps are available alone on the Google Play Store. Isn’t that too big of a deal?

Android is dominating all other mobile operating systems in the market globally. There’s no doubt that Android applications will always be in demand. Companies like, Flipkart, Amazon, PayTM, Airtel, and many more are investing highly into third-party apps. These all apps be it native or third-party are powered by Android. Also there’s a growth in the prevalence and quality of Android Certification these days.

Android developers are undoubtedly going to have an upper hand and a bright future, don’t you believe me even now ? Okay, come lets see how Android is increasingly becoming established by each passing days:

1. There’s a drastic rise in the number of Android Applications today. Infact, real-time applications are more in trend that helps in making payment, or shopping online.
2. Google itself is focusing on smarter and smarter phones and automated things using Artificial intelligence.
3. Infact, the Android Architecture by Google is a lot helpful in defining the best practices. It makes Android App development much easier and understandable to handle.
4. There’re many new things to come that are based on Android itself, such as-

5. Highly enhanced Security for Android applications

And there are many more things that are eye-catching and going to change our lifestyles so much!.Ok consider the following graph to see the increase in Android users and users of any other operating system.

So, Now it is clear that Android is going to have a lot of business in the years to come. From the given graph, you can see the drastic changes in the market share of Android in the world . Well, this also makes one more thing pretty clear. In the coming time, there’s going to be no loss but only lots and lots of opportunities for the Android Developers. So I hope my point is clear here, that there’s no way that the scope for Android Developers will go down.

Why does Android have a lot of opportunities?

Here’s why Android is a great and blooming opportunity for all the Android developers throughout the world:

1. Firstly, Android applications are always in demand as most of the users of Smartphones use Android.
2. As there is a need for more and more applications, there is a requirement of more and more Android developers.
3. Android is Open Source and very easy to adapt.
4. In Android development there is little cost of investment with high return on investment.
5. Android indeed has a great development framework. .
6. It helps us create very interesting and new projects based on the services that are already available on android devices.

Industries that bring Opportunities for Android Developers

So that you can have a clear idea, I’m listing the industries where Android is in demand:

Well, this is not the limit as almost every industry needs Android and Android Developers. Also, there are various organizations that work on Android day and night. Few examples are- Google, YouTube, Hike, Deloitte, Yahoo,Intel, American Express, Uber, VMware, and so on.


So, yes we can conclude on a very agreeable note that future for Android Developers is very bright for sure. Given in this article are the graphical proofs for the same. Also, the statistics made it very clear that Android is definitely on the rise. Finally, we also saw various industries and organisations that work on Android.

I hope you found it useful, Thank You!

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