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Learn How to Create Address Book in Python

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A contact book or address book is an application that stores the information (name, address, contact no, etc.) of people that you save in it. You can also edit and delete the contact.

Address Book Python Project

The objective of this project is to create an Address book using python in which the user can add a new contact, edit and delete existing contact and view all the contact.

In this python project for beginners, the user has to click on a button which functions the user wants to access eg – To edit a contact, the user has to first select a contact then click on view button then edit the contact and then click on edit button. To add a new contact user has to click on the add button.

Project prerequisite

We build the address book project with the help of Tkinter module and basic python concept.

Tkinter is a standard GUI library for rendering graphics

To install the library we use the pip install command in the command prompt:

pip install tkinter

Download Address Book Python Code

Please download the source code of address book project: Address book source code

Project File Structure

These are the step to build a contact book python project:

  1. Importing module
  2. Initializing window
  3. Define buttons
  4. Define functions

Let’s start building the project

1. Importing module

from tkinter import *

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In this step we import libraries. Here, we need to import tkinter module

2. Initializing window

root = Tk()
root.config(bg = 'SlateGray3')

contactlist = [
    ['Parv Maheswari',  '0176738493'],
    ['David Sharma',  '2684430000'],
    ['Mandish Kabra',   '4338354432'],
    ['Prisha Modi','6834552341'],
    ['Rahul kaushik',   '1234852689'],
    ['Johena Shaa' , '2119876543'],

Name = StringVar()
Number = StringVar()

frame = Frame(root)
frame.pack(side = RIGHT)

scroll = Scrollbar(frame, orient=VERTICAL)
select = Listbox(frame, yscrollcommand=scroll.set, height=12)
scroll.config (command=select.yview)
scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
select.pack(side=LEFT,  fill=BOTH, expand=1)

3. Define functions

def Selected():
    return int(select.curselection()[0])

def AddContact():
    contactlist.append([Name.get(), Number.get()])

def EDIT():
    contactlist[Selected()] = [Name.get(), Number.get()]

def DELETE():
    del contactlist[Selected()]

def VIEW():
    NAME, PHONE = contactlist[Selected()]

def EXIT():

def RESET():

def Select_set() :
    for name,phone in contactlist :
        select.insert (END, name)

4. Define buttons and labels

Label(root, text = 'NAME', font='arial 12 bold', bg = 'SlateGray3').place(x= 30, y=20)
Entry(root, textvariable = Name).place(x= 100, y=20)

Label(root, text = 'PHONE NO.', font='arial 12 bold',bg = 'SlateGray3').place(x= 30, y=70)
Entry(root, textvariable = Number).place(x= 130, y=70)

Button(root,text=" ADD", font='arial 12 bold',bg='SlateGray4', command = AddContact).place(x= 50, y=110)
Button(root,text="EDIT", font='arial 12 bold',bg='SlateGray4',command = EDIT).place(x= 50, y=260)

Button(root,text="DELETE", font='arial 12 bold',bg='SlateGray4',command = DELETE).place(x= 50, y=210)
Button(root,text="VIEW", font='arial 12 bold',bg='SlateGray4', command = VIEW).place(x= 50, y=160)

Button(root,text="EXIT", font='arial 12 bold',bg='tomato', command = EXIT).place(x= 300, y=320)
Button(root,text="RESET", font='arial 12 bold',bg='SlateGray4', command = RESET).place(x= 50, y=310)


Project Output


We successfully develop the Address book in python. We use tkinter library for rendering graphics. We use a random library to generate random choices.

We learn how to create buttons widget and also learn how to call the function using buttons. In this way, we created Address book project using python. I hope you enjoyed.

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