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Sun – Internal Structure and Atmosphere

sun-internal structure and atmosphere

In the previous articles, we got to know about the formation of the Sun and the Solar System. We know that our Solar System consists of the Sun, eight major planets, some dwarf planets (like Pluto, Ceres, etc.), many satellites, countless minor planets, asteroids, and debris.

And the Sun is the gravitational center of our Solar System. Carrying on the same sequence, today we will extensively focus on the Sun. We will learn about the internal structure and the atmosphere of the Sun.


Firstly, Let’s talk about the significance of the Sun

If we talk about the universe, the Sun is just an ordinary star. There are far bigger and brighter stars in the universe.

But at our level, the Sun is certainly the most important star in the whole universe not only because it is the reason for our existence but also because it is the reason for our survival. The Sun satiates almost all of our energy requirements.

Some facts about the Sun

Internal Structure and Atmosphere of the Sun

The outer layers of the Sun form its atmosphere. There are mainly three layers that make up the atmosphere namely the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona.

The internal part of the Sun consists of the core, radiative zone, and the convective zone. In the outer layers, the energy produced in inner layers is detected as sunlight.

Atmosphere of the Sun

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As mentioned above, the atmosphere is made up of layers such as the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona. Let us discuss them, one by one-





  1. Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is the release of plasma and magnetic field in a large amount.
  2. Solar Flares are the instantaneous flash of increased brightness which occurs when magnetic energy is suddenly released
  3. Solar Wind is the flow of energized, charged particles at a very high speed. It is made up of plasma and mostly contains electrons, protons, and alpha particles.

Solar Flares

Solar Winds

Effects of solar winds:

Solar Prominence


Composition of Sun’s Atmosphere

All the stars have a similar composition in the terms of elements present. A star’s absorption line spectrum helps us to determine its composition.

Hydrogen and Helium are the most abundant elements in the Sun. Both of them combined account for more than 98%. But a lot of other elements are present in the Sun’s atmosphere.

The table below provides the information about the top 10 elements present in the Sun:

Element Percentage by mass
1. Hydrogen

2. Helium

3. Carbon

4. Nitrogen

5. Oxygen

6. Neon

7. Magnesium

8. Silicon

9. Sulfur

10.  Iron











Internal Structure of the Sun

As stated earlier, the interior of the sun consists of the core, radiative zone, and convective zone. It is the part where energy generation occurs. Let us look at the layers of the interior of the Sun.


Radiative Zone

Convection Zone


In this article, finally we tried to achieve a good understanding of the star of our own Solar System, the Sun. We learned about the significance of the Sun. After that, we talked extensively about the layers of the atmosphere of the Sun and also the layers of its internal structure.

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