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Searching and Sorting using inbuilt Function in PHP

Program 1


   // Example of in_array function
    //   $myar=[5,2,20,10,'40',60,70];
    //   $n=40;
      //echo in_array($n,$myar);
    //   if(in_array($n,$myar,true))
    //          echo "<font color=green size=5>Searching Success</font>";
    //    else
    //    echo "<font color=red size=5>Searching not success</font>"     

    // Example of array_search function
    //    $myar=[5,2,20,10,40,60,70];
    //    echo array_search(60,$myar);
    //      if(array_search(120,$myar)>=0)
    //      echo "<font color=green size=5>Searching Success</font>";
    //    else
    //    echo "<font color=red size=5>Searching not success</font>"     

   // Sorting of array
      // sort()  asc
      //rsort    desc
    //   echo "<br>Before Sorting";
    //      for($i=0;$i<count($myar);$i++)
    //      {
    //          echo"<br>".$myar[$i];
    //      }
    //      //sort($myar);
        //  echo "<br>After Sorting";
        //  for($i=0;$i<count($myar);$i++)
        //  {
        //      echo"<br>".$myar[$i];
        //  }

          echo "<br>Before sorting";
          echo "<br>After sorting";
          //asort($myar);   // sorting according to value in asc
         // arsort($myar);   // sorting according to value in desc
          //  ksort($myar);             // sorting according to key in asc
            krsort($myar);             // sorting according to key in desc
    // Array 



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