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Python Program on Lock in Multithreaing using Thread Class Inheritance

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Entering the practical side of Python, we move on to the second part of our journey, exploring multithreading with locks. Now, our focus shifts to using Thread class inheritance for implementing locks, presenting an alternative method for coordinating thread execution. As we continue, our goal is to make the integration of locks with thread classes easy to understand, showcasing their role in making multithreading effective in Python.

Topic Explanation:

In the world of handling multiple tasks simultaneously, locks play a crucial role in managing shared stuff and keeping the order of how things happen. Thread class inheritance offers an object-oriented approach, allowing us to encapsulate the thread and lock functionalities within a custom class. This method enhances code modularity, making it easier to manage and understand the intricacies of concurrent programming. Through the inheritance of Thread class attributes, we seamlessly integrate lock mechanisms, ensuring thread-safe access to critical sections of our code.

Furthermore, as we explore the practical implementation, it becomes evident that the integration of locks through Thread class inheritance provides a more structured and reusable approach to multithreading. The encapsulation of threads and locks within a custom class facilitates clearer code organization. This approach not only enhances code readability but also fosters a more intuitive understanding of the relationship and contributes to efficient and maintainable multithreading practices.


Basic proficiency in Python programming.

Code With Comments:

# Importing necessary libraries
from threading import *
import time

# Creating a lock instance
l = Lock()

# Defining a class to encapsulate the printing of multiplication tables
class MyTable:
    def printtable(self, n):
        # Acquiring the lock to ensure exclusive access to shared resources
        for i in range(1, 11):
            # Printing the product of the number and the iteration
            print(n * i)
            # Introducing a delay to simulate a real-world scenario
        # Releasing the lock after completing the task

# Defining a custom thread class that inherits from Thread
class MyThread1(Thread):
    def run(self) -> None:
        # Creating an instance of MyTable
        M1 = MyTable()
        # Calling the printtable method with the argument 5

# Defining another custom thread class that inherits from Thread
class MyThread2(Thread):
    def run(self) -> None:
        # Creating another instance of MyTable
        M1 = MyTable()
        # Calling the printtable method with the argument 7

# Creating instances of the custom thread classes
My1 = MyThread1()
My2 = MyThread2()

# Starting the threads

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70

Code Explanation:

Importing Libraries:

Creating a Lock:

Defining MyTable Class:

Acquiring Lock:

Printing Table:

Introducing Delay:

Releasing Lock:

Defining MyThread1 Class:

Creating MyTable Instance:

Starting Thread MyThread1:

Defining MyThread2 Class:

Creating Another MyTable Instance:

Starting Thread MyThread2:


Wrapping up our hands-on journey in Python, our exploration of multithreading with locks using Thread class inheritance reveals a useful and flexible method. This structured approach smoothly integrates threads and locks into custom classes, making the code more organized and flexible. As we navigate through this practical aspect of Python, the integration of locks through Thread class inheritance emerges as a potent strategy, amplifying the efficiency and maintainability of concurrent programming endeavors.

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