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7 Major Python Compilers and Interpreters – Free Online Available

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In our last tutorial, we studied Python Interpreters.

Today, we will talk about Python Compilers, we discuss different compilers and interpreters available for Python Programming: CPython, Jython, IronPython, ActivePython, Nuitka, PyJS, and Stackless Python.

So, let’s start the list of available Python Compilers and Python Interpreters.

7 Major Python Compilers and Interpreters – Free Online Available

Python Compilers and Interpreters

Today, we will share with you a list of various Python interpreters and compilers available for Python.

You may have heard that Python is an interpreted language. Well, this is the way it goes.

Let’s look at what compilers and interpreters are available for Python.

1. CPython

This is the default and most widely-used implementation of Python and is written in C.

This is an interpreter and has a foreign function interface with languages like C.

Here’s a brief on it-

Python Compilers and Interpreters-CPython

a. Design of CPython

Each CPython interpreter for Python, the process uses a GIL(Global Interpreter Lock). This serves as a limitation as it disables concurrent Python threads for a process.

Another problem is that to achieve concurrency, you must manage separate CPython interpreter processes with a multitasking OS.

This also makes it harder for concurrent CPython processes to communicate.

For more on this, you can refer to

2. Jython

Jython is JPython’s successor. It is an implementation of Python that runs on the Java platform. Here’s a brief-

Python Compilers and Interpreters – Jython

Jython takes Python code and compiles it to Java bytecode. This means we can run Python on any machine that runs a JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

Jython supports static and dynamic compilation and let’s extend Java classes.

For, more on this, refer to

3. IronPython

This is a Python implementation around the .NET Framework and Mono. Here’s a brief:

Python Compilers and Interpreters – IronPython

IronPython supports dynamic compilation and an interactive console. Python scripts are capable of interacting with .NET objects.

For more on this, you can refer to

4. ActivePython

ActivePython is a Python distribution from ActiveState.

It makes installation easy and cross-platform compatibility possible. Apart from the standard libraries, it has many different modules.

Python Compilers and Interpreters – ActivePython

5. Nuitka

Nuitka, source-to-source Python compilers that take Python code and compiles it to C/C++ executables or source code.

Let’s take a brief:

Python Compilers and Interpreters – Nuitka

Even when you don’t run Python on your machine, you can create standalone programs with Nuitka.

6. PyJS

PyJS is an internet application framework that will let you use Python to develop client-side web and desktop applications.

You can run such an application in a web browser and also as a standalone desktop application.

Python Compilers and Interpreters – PyJS

Let’s take a brief:

Earlier, it was called Pyjamas. It translates your Python code into JavaScript to let it run in a browser.

PyJS ships with an AJAX framework and a Widget Set API.

For more on this, refer to

7. Stackless Python

Stackless Python is a Python interpreter. It is ‘stackless’ because it doesn’t depend on the C call for its stack.

It uses the C stack and clears it between calls.

Python Compilers and Interpreters – Stackless Python

Here’s a brief:

Stackless Python also supports threads and microthreads.

Other than that, it provides tasklets, round-robin scheduling, serialization, and pre-compiled binaries.

So, this was all about Python Interpreter and Compilers. Hope you like our explanation.

Python Interview Questions on Compilers and Interpreters

  1. What is the difference between Interpreter and Compiler?
  2. Which is faster Compiler or Interpreter?
  3. What are the advantages of using an interpreter in Python?
  4. Why Compiler is used in Python?
  5. How Python Interpreter works?


Hence, we studied a list of Python Compiler and Interpreter are available for Python Programming. With that, we have covered every popular Python compilers/interpreter.

Do you want to add more to the list? Drop it in the comments.

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