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Microsoft Excel Online

microsoft excel online

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What is Microsoft Excel Online?

Microsoft Excel online version contains the functions, charts, pivot tables, and more that the user can expect from the worksheet. It is also the same as google sheets, it lets the user participate with others in real-time, collect information and solutions in an online survey and perform analytics with the excel functions.

Microsoft stands out as an industrial spreadsheet program application, written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac systems. Microsoft Excel is a software and a programming tool capable of performing calculations, analyzing knowledge, integrating and desegregating the information from completely different programs.

How to use Excel Online?

There are two methods to use Excel Online:

Step 1: Click on the link and choose Excel.

Step 2: The user can either enter the sign-in details or sign up for free and can create a spreadsheet.

Step 3: Click on the + button from the left sidebar and select the spreadsheet option.

Step 4: Excel Online opens the workbook in another tab.

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Step 5: The user can add, edit the excel sheet.


Step 6: After editing the file, the user can save the file in one drive using the Save As Option.

Excel Online Features

1. Conditional Formatting

Excel Online supports conditional formatting and to access the conditional formatting online, select the data range from the sheet, go to the home tab and choose Conditional Formatting.

2. Surveys

To create a survey in Excel Online, click New and select Forms for the Excel.

Next, name the Survey, and select the Create option.

Now, choose “Add Question” to add the new question to the survey. The user can choose the question type such as Choice, Text, Rating, or Date questions.

After forming the questions, click on the “Preview” at the top of the window to see how the survey will look on the system, and then click the “Submit” button.

3. Install Add-ons

Excel online is feasible for many add-ons. To find them, go to insert and choose the office add-ins option. The user can choose an add-on by category or by name and then the user has to click on the add button. After installing, the user has to click on the start button to use add-ons.

4. Share the Spreadsheet in Excel

Sharing the spreadsheet is similar to Google Docs, the user can share the Excel files with other users and can let the other users edit or view the data. Within the sheet, click on the “Share” button at the top right corner and a pop-up appears, the user can either choose “Edit” or “View” permissions and then can develop the network to share it with anyone.

5. Leave a Comment in Excel

Let’s assume that the user has created an Excel sheet with a coworker, and the user wants to say something about a particular data such as its format. To convey this to the other user, the user can use the comment within the spreadsheet.

To add the comment, select a cell, right-click on it and select “Insert Comment.” The user can also reach out to the comment option under the insert tab.

Advantages of Microsoft Excel Online

Disadvantages of Microsoft Excel Online

Things to Remember


From this article, we have learnt how to access the Microsoft excel online and how they differ from google sheets. We have also come across a few excel online features such as comments, add-ons, surveys etc. The primary objective of using an online sheet is that multiple users can view or edit the sheet at a time.

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