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List of Important Phobias and Their Details

Phobia –derived from the Greek word ‘Phobos’ literally meaning fear or horror. Phobias refers to an acute, implausible fear or feeling of antipathy towards a certain object, group, or concept.

Those suffering from a phobia make conscious efforts to avoid the feared object and escape situations that are difficult for them to endure or which cause anxiety to them regarding the same.

An encounter with these feared objects or concepts makes them overwhelmed, stressed, and leads to the person losing self-control. The chief features include:

Symptoms Of Various Phobias

Causes Of Phobias

1. Genetics

Phobias faced by family members can be passed to the next generation through the passage of memories and experiences via DNA. Close relatives having anxiety or related disorders may pass genetics causing phobias or fears to their successors.

Moreover, anxiety may be acquired from family members and others who behave in a noticeably stressed or anxious manner around a child. Certain phobias may develop from existing genetic disorders.

Also, a twin baby is likely to develop a phobia if their other twin has been identified with one. For example, Agoraphobia.

2. Pessimistic and Negative Environments/Instances

Phobias can be developed due to certain negative, frightening, and panic-stricken events or accidents. Such objects or situations are those in which the mind and memory start associating with stress, anxiety, and discomfort.

All this leads to the creation of phobias and fears i.e. not wanting to face the situation again. For example, nearly falling off a very high building roof.

3. Brain Injuries or Disorders by birth

A brain injury leads to alteration in the Amygdala due to which the brain starts to process fear differently. Brain injuries can cause trauma and put one at risk of developing phobias or anxiety disorders which can further lead to phobias.

This might happen due to an imbalance in brain chemicals or damaged neurotransmitters of the brain. Cognitive damages and communication impairments due to brain injuries may adversely affect the social abilities of a person and cause phobias. For example, Sociophobia.

4. Substance Abuse

Excessive amounts of dope and alcohol may impair certain functions of the brain. These are often consumed in excess by people suffering from anxiety and depression issues. Drugs can also cause paranoia and hallucinations. For example, Marijuana can cause phobias 15 percent of the time.

5. Long Term and Deep Rooted Stress

Anxiety and stress taken for a long period of time can cause phobias regarding certain situations. For example, Ergophobia.

Treatment Of Phobias

1. Psychotherapy

This includes exposure to the patient’s phobias by making them face the object or situation they fear the most one at a time. This requires a lot of support and courage from the patient’s side.

This also includes cognitive therapy in terms of change of perception towards the feared object, by the development of confidence in terms of thoughts, feelings, and body sensations/movements.

2. Medications

Used for a short period of time, mostly used to identify the phobia detail. Includes usage of beta-blockers, sedatives, antidepressants, and benzodiazepines to control anxiety, adrenaline rush and to help the patient remain calm and relaxed.

3. Yoga and Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing, certain yoga poses, and introspection exercises can help remove anxiety, calm the patient, and help them face their phobias.

4. Physical Exercises

Cardio exercises can help vent out stress, anxiety, and produce endorphins in the mind, which helps reduce fear and depression.

5. Homeopathy

Herbal remedies can help treat phobias. This helps eliminate anxiety by balancing the hormones. These include Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Aconite, Gelsemium, etc.

6. Hypnotherapy

Helps explore the phobia in an extensive manner. It helps improve learned responses governed by the subconscious mind. It also eliminates anxiety.

Types Of Phobias

There are majorly 5 types of Phobias related to:

Phobia Name Description
Acrophobia Fear of heights
Hydrophobia Fear of water
Hemophobia Fear of blood
Claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
Autophobia Fear of being alone
Aerophobia Fear of flying
Achluophobia Fear of darkness
Amathophobia Fear of dust
Antlophobia Fear of floods
Arithmophobia Fear of numbers
Arsonphobia Fear of fire
Atelophobia Fear of imperfection
Bibliophobia Fear of books
Botanophobia Fear of plants
Barophobia Fear of gravity
Bathmophobia Fear of stairs
Catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors
Chionophobia Fear of snow
Chorophobia Fear of dancing


Chronophobia Fear of time
Chaetophobia Fear of hair
Coulrophobia Fear of clowns
Cynophobia Fear of dogs
Coimetrophobia Fear of cemeteries
Chromophobia Fear of colors
Cleptophobia  Fear of stealing
Cholerophobia Fear of anger
Dendrophobia Fear of trees
Dipsophobia Fear of drinking
Decidophobia Fear of making decisions
Ecophobia Fear of home
Electrophobia Fear of electricity
Equinophobia Fear of horses
Ergophobia Fear of work
Epistemophobia Fear of knowledge
Felinophobia Fear of cats
Febriphobia Fear of fever
Frigophobia Fear of cold
Geliophobia Fear of laughter


Gamophobia Fear of marriage
Gerascophobia Fear of growing old
Glossophobia Fear of speaking in public
Graphophobia Fear of writing
Gynephobia Fear of women
Heliophobia Fear of the sun
Homophobia  Fear of men
Homichlophobia Fear of fog
Hylophobia Fear of forests
Hypnophobia Fear of sleep
Hygrophobia Fear of liquids
Hypengyophobia Fear of responsibility
Ichthyophobia Fear of fish
Iophobia Fear of poison
Ideophobia Fear of ideas
Kymophobia Fear of waves
Kakorrhaphiophobia Fear of failure
Koinoniphobia Fear of rooms
Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables
Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises around


Lyssophobia Fear of becoming mad or crazy
Mageirocophobia Fear of cooking
Melophobia Fear of music
Methyphobia Fear of alcohol
Metathesiophobia Fear of changes
Mechanophobia Fear of machines
Mnemophobia Fear of memories
Myrmecophobia Fear of ants
Nelophobia Fear of glass
Noctiphobia Fear of the night
Nomatophobia Fear of names
Nephophobia Fear of clouds
Obesophobia Fear of gaining some weight
Oneirophobia Fear of dreams
Olfactophobia Fear of smells
Ochophobia Fear of vehicles
Ornithophobia Fear of birds
Papyrophobia Fear of paper
Pedophobia Fear of children
Pediophobia Fear of dolls


Panophobia Fear of everything
Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts
Phengophobia Fear of daylight
Phronemophobia Fear of thinking
Poinephobia Fear of punishment
Pupaphobia Fear of puppets
Rhytiphobia Fear of wrinkles
Sciophobia Fear of shadows
Tachophobia Fear of speed
Thermophobia Fear of heat
Traumatophobia Fear of injuries
Verbophobia Fear of words
Vaccinophobia Fear of vaccination
Vestiphobia Fear of clothing
Wiccaphobia Fear of witches
Xerophobia Fear of dryness
Xyrophobia Fear of razors
Xenophobia Fear of strangers
Zelophobia Fear of jealousy
Zeusophobia Fear of God


Chiraptophobia Fear Of Being Touched/Contacted
Acarophobia Fear Of Itching
Aerophobia Fear Of Drafts
Cathisophobia Fear Of Sitting
Cacophobia Fear Of Ugliness
Ecclesiophobia Fear Of Churches
Selenophobia Fear Of The Moon
Siderophobia Fear Of The Stars
Syngenesophobia Fear Of Relatives
Tachophobia Fear Of Speed
Technophobia Fear Of Technology
Uranophobia Fear Of Heaven
Pharmacophobia Fear Of Drugs
Ophidiophobia Fear Of Snakes
Hamartophobia Fear Of Sinning
Quadrophobia Fear Of The Number Four
Nosocomephobia Fear Of Hospitals
Necrophobia Fear Of Death/ Dead Things
Aulophobia Fear Of Flutes
Enetophobia Fear Of Pins


These are the must-know phobias, knowing the meanings of which help boost general knowledge, prepare well for competitive exams, and also help in recognizing fears and the way to urgently treat them shall the situation arise.

It is essential to have this basic knowledge of various fears faced by patients in order to understand the seriousness of such situations and to spread awareness regarding them.

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