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GIT vs SVN – Difference Between GIT and SVN

Software development teams depend on version control systems to successfully track, manage, and collaborate on code changes. Git and SVN are two well-liked version control systems, each with unique features and methods.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the distinctions between Git and SVN while comparing and contrasting their main ideas, benefits, and drawbacks. You can choose the version control system that is most suitable for your project by being aware of these differences.

GIT – Distributed Version Control

Introduction to GIT

A distributed version control system known for its speed, adaptability, and potent branching and merging features, Git was developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005. Each developer can have a full copy of the repository with Git, allowing for seamless collaboration and offline work.

Key Concepts in GIT

1. Local Repositories and Cloning –

2. Branching and Merging –

3. Staging Area and Commits –

SVN: Centralized Version Control System

Introduction to SVN

A centralised version control system that is frequently used in business software development is Apache Subversion (SVN). All project files in SVN are stored on a single repository server. Changes are merged back into the primary repository as soon as contributors finish working on branches developed from the trunk.

Key Concepts in SVN

1. Central Repository and Working Copies –
2. Trunk, Branches and Tags –


Git and SVN (Apache Subversion) are both version control systems commonly used in software development. While SVN was once widely popular as a centralized version control system, its usage has declined over time. Nevertheless, numerous projects still rely on SVN, and it continues to receive support from an open-source community. SVN allows checking out a single version of the repository and stores data on a central server.

However, it has limitations, such as having the entire history stored in a local repository, which can restrict certain actions like commits, diffs, logs, branches, merges, and file annotations.

In contrast, Git is a highly favored distributed version control system. It provides the advantage of cloning the entire repository, granting access to the complete project history. With Git, developers can work with all their commits and easily switch between different branches. Its distributed nature enables offline and independent work, allowing for effortless synchronisation of changes. This flexibility and convenience have led to Git becoming the preferred choice for many developers and teams in modern software development.

Feature GIT SVN
Type Open source distributed version control system Open source centralised version control system
Model Distributed Model Centralised Model
Local Copies Users have their own local copies (branches) The central repository has working copies
Network Dependencies No network is required for Git operations Requires network for SVN operation
Learning Curve More difficult to learn with more concepts Easier to learn with a simpler set of commands
Handling Binary  It can become slow with a large number of binary files Handles a large number of binary files effectively
Directory Creation Creates .git directory  Creates .svn directory in each folder
User Interface UI is not as robust as SVN Simple and better user interface
Notable Features
  • Distributed System
  • Branching
  • Compatibility
  • Non – Linear Development
  • Lightweight
  • Open Source
  • Directories are versioned
  • Copying, Deleting and renaming
  • Free-form versioned metadata
  • Atomic commits
  • Branching and Tagging
  • Merge Tracking 
  • File Locking

Pros and Cons of GIT and SVN:

GIT Pros –

GIT Cons –

SVN Pros –

SVN Cons –

GIT over SVN?

One of the great advantages of using Git is its ability to work locally and offline. Unlike SVN, where a constant connection to the main repository server is needed, Git allows developers to work independently and without an internet connection, giving them more flexibility and freedom in their workflow.

Git excels in handling merging and conflict resolution, especially in open-source projects with multiple contributors. Its robust system for resolving merge conflicts makes collaboration smoother and easier to manage, ensuring that code changes from different team members can be seamlessly integrated.

The distributed model of version control in Git is another major advantage. With Git, contributors clone the main repository, reducing the risk of losing the entire codebase. In contrast, SVN’s centralised model poses a higher risk of a single point of failure if something were to happen to the main repository.

SVN over GIT

SVN’s centralized repository model offers better management of contributions and contributors. Unlike Git, which has limited access control options, SVN allows for granular control, enabling restrictions at the directory and file levels for specific team members, providing an added layer of security.

The contribution process in SVN is often considered more straightforward and approachable, especially for newcomers. While Git has powerful conflict handling, it may be intimidating for beginners. In contrast, SVN’s process, from creating a new feature to merging it into the trunk, is simpler and easier to follow.

SVN performs better in certain scenarios. It handles network traffic efficiently, managing the load on the server for connected contributors. Additionally, SVN is adept at compressing and storing large binary files effectively, making it a preferred choice for projects with such files.

Choosing the Right Version Control System

GIT’s Advantages and Use Cases –

SVN’s Advantages and Use Cases –


Both the robust version control programs Git and SVN have their advantages and applications. When selecting the ideal system for your software development project, it is essential to comprehend its fundamental principles, distinctions, and advantages. Make an informed choice by taking into account elements like the need for collaboration, offline work, codebase size, and access control. Implementing a strong version control system will improve your team’s productivity, code quality, and collaboration abilities, whether you choose Git’s distributed flexibility or SVN’s centralised management.

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