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Full Form Of RNA

full form of RNA

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RNA stands for Ribonucleic Acid, another essential nucleic acid present in an organism apart from DNA. RNA is the first genetic material from which early life originates and all genetic code is extracted. It replicates itself and is the precursor to any mode of life that exists in this world.

Structure of RNA

Various types of RNA

Following are some well-known RNAs:

1. tRNA (Transfer RNA): It identifies the appropriate protein (amino acids) required by the body which in turn helps the ribosomes. It is present at the endpoints of every amino acid and forms a link between the amino acid and messenger RNA.

2. mRNA (Messenger RNA): It helps take the genetic material to the ribosomes, and determines the kind of protein required by the body. It also has its use in the transcription and protein production processes.

3. rRNA (Ribosomal RNA): We can find it inside the cytoplasm of a cell and helps in the synthesis and translation of mRNA into proteins. It contains cellular RNA and is the most prevalent RNA.

Primary functions of RNA

Following are the primary functions of RNA:

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