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Learn Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python

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1. Objective

Our previous tutorial, we talked about Python Django. Today in this Data Wrangling tutorial, we will see Python Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python Programming Language. Moreover, we will discuss prerequisites  & reasons to use Data Wrangling with Python. In addition, we discuss Dropping Missing Values, Grouping Data, Filtering Data, Pivoting Dataset, Shifted Datasets, Melted Data, Reducing into an ABT, Concatenating Data, Exporting Data, and Python Aggregate.

So, let’s start Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python.

Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python

2. A Brief on DataFrames

A DataFrame in pandas is a 2-dimensional data structure which holds data in a tabular sense. This means it lets us work in a context of rows and columns.
A dataframe is-

This is the DataFrame constructor we have-
pandas.DataFrame (data, index, columns, dtype, copy)
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3. Python Data Wrangling – Prerequisites

a. Python pandas

For aggregation and Data wrangling with Python, you will need the pandas’ library. It helps us with data manipulation and analysis. It has data structures and allows operations that we can use to manipulate numerical tables and time series.

Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python

You can install it using the following command-

C:\Users\lifei>pip install pandas

At the time of writing, we use the version 0.23.1 of pandas.

b. Python NumPy

NumPy is another Python library that lets us handle large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices. It also offers various high-level mathematical functions to help us deal with these.

Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python

To install this, you can try the following command in the command prompt-

C:\Users\lifei>pip install numpy

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c. Python DataFrames

For our purpose, we will need two dataframes. We can create a DataFrame using any data type like list, dictionary, or series. We can also use a NumPy and array or another DataFrame to create it. Let’s use a dictionary for now.

>>> one=pandas.DataFrame({
>>> first=pandas.DataFrame(one)
>>> two=pandas.DataFrame({
>>> second=pandas.DataFrame(two)

We also create a csv file with utf-8 format in Excel-

Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python

We save this as supermarket.csv.

4. Why we need Data Wrangling with Python

Much data obtained from various sources are raw and unusable. This could be messy or incomplete. With data wrangling with Python, we can perform operations on raw data to clean it out to an extent. Wrangling is essential to data science. Let’s take a quick look at it.

5. Dropping Missing Values

As you can see, we have no aisle number for the frozen department in our csv file.

>>> import os
>>> os.chdir('C:\\Users\\lifei\\Desktop')
>>> three=pandas.read_csv('supermarket.csv')
>>> pandas.isnull(three).any()
emp_id        False
dept_name     False
aisle         True
dtype:        bool

This shows us that the ‘aisle’ column does have a missing value. The following command shows us the null values in the file-

>>> three.head()

Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python

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To drop this record, we use the following command-

>>> three.dropna()

Data Wrangling with Python – Dropping Missing Values

6. Grouping Data

The pandas gorupby() method returns a DataFrameGroupBy object. Calling the method value_counts() returns the number of occurrences for each unique value in the column we specify.

>>> three.groupby('aisle').dept_name.value_counts()

Data Wrangling with Python – Grouping Data

This tells us about the correlation between aisle number and department name. This lets us discover trends in data. In situations where we want to see trends by the city, we can group records by their geographical factors.

a. Finding unique values

For this, we can use the unique() method.

>>> two.aisle.unique()

array([ 6, 2, 9, 10], dtype=int64)

b. Length of dataframe

Then len() function gives us the length of the dataframe.

>>> len(two)

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7. Filtering Data

To gain a subset of data using some criterion, we can filter out parts we need.

Data Wrangling with Python – Filtering Data

a. Single Conditions

>>> two[two['aisle']>3]

Filtering Data – Single Conditions

>>> two[two['aisle']==2]

Filtering Data – Single Conditions

b. Multiple Conditions

>>> two[(two['aisle']==2) & (two['dept_name']=='toys')]

Filtering Data – Multiple Conditions

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c. Describing your Data

>>> (two[(two['aisle']==2) & (two['dept_name']=='toys')]).describe()

Filtering Data – Describing your Data

d. Filtering through Values

>>> two[two.aisle.isin([2,7,9])]

Filtering through Values

8. Pivoting Dataset

Pivoting lets us reshape a DataFrame by column/index values. In other words, it produces a pivot table.

>>> (two.pivot(index='emp_id',columns='aisle',values='dept_name')).tail()

Data Wrangling with Python –  Pivoting Dataset

Providing a number to this tail() call will give us that many records.

>>> (two.pivot(index='emp_id',columns='aisle',values='dept_name')).tail(3)

Data Wrangling with Python –  Pivoting Dataset

a. Shifting a pivoted dataset
We can shift the DataFrame’s index by a certain number of periods using the shift() method.

>>> (two.pivot(index='emp_id',columns='aisle',values='dept_name')).tail(3).shift(1)

Data Wrangling with Python –  Shifting a pivoted dataset

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9. Melting Shifted Datasets

We can also melt a dataset (unpivot it).

>>> (two.melt(id_vars=['emp_id'],value_name='dept_name')).tail()

Data Wrangling with Python – Melting Shifted Datasets

10. Merging Melted Data

We can join melted DataFrames into one Analytical Base Table using the merge() function.

>>> melt1=two.melt(id_vars=['emp_id'],value_name='dept_name')
>>> melt2=two.melt(id_vars=['emp_id'],value_name='aisle')
>>> pandas.merge(melt1,melt2,on=['emp_id']).tail(1)

Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python

11. Reducing into an ABT

Finally, to reduce this result into an analytical base table, we do the following:

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> base=two[['aisle','dept_name','emp_id']]
>>> feature=[base]+[melt1,melt2]
>>> abt=reduce(lambda left,right: pandas.merge(left,right,on=['emp_id']),[melt1,melt2])
>>> abt.tail(1)

Data Wrangling with Python – Reducing into an ABT

12. Concatenating Data

We can concatenate datasets along an axis using the concat() method.

>>> pandas.concat([one,two])

Concatenating Data

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13. Exporting Data

Finally, we can export our clean and filtered data to an Excel sheet.

>>> res=pandas.concat([one,two])
>>> res.to_excel('res.xlsx')

14. How Python Aggregate Data?

To apply aggregations on our datasets, we can use the Python numpy library along with pandas.

Learn Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python

Let’s create a dataframe first.

>>> df=pandas.DataFrame(numpy.random.randn(7,3),
>>> print(df)

How Python Aggregate Data

>>> print(df.rolling(window=3,min_periods=1))
Rolling [window=3,min_periods=1,center=False,axis=0]

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a. Python Aggregating an entire dataframe

We can aggregate an entire dataframe as-

>>> r=df.rolling(window=3,min_periods=1)
>>> r.aggregate(numpy.sum)

How Python Aggregate Data

As you can see, this keeps aggregating the previous value into itself. Another aggregation we can use is max-

>>> r.aggregate(numpy.max)

Python Aggregating an entire dataframe

Other aggregations include mean, median, and min.

b. Python Aggregating one column

To aggregate just one column, we can use its index.

>>> r['B'].aggregate(numpy.mean)

Python Aggregating one column

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c. Python Aggregating multiple columns

We can also specify more than one column to aggregate.

>>> r[['B','C']].aggregate(numpy.sum)

Python Aggregating multiple columns

So, this was all about Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python. Hope you like our explanation.

15. Conclusion

Hence, this was how to clean your data with wrangling and then how to apply aggregations on it. Did we miss out on something in Aggregation and Data Wrangling with Python? Drop your suggestions in the comments.
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