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Best AWS EC2 Tutorial (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)

Best AWS EC2 Tutorial (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)

Best AWS EC2 Tutorial (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)

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In our last AWS tutorial, we discussed AWS Management Console. Today in this AWS EC2 Tutorial, we study Amazon EC2 or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud with its features.

Moreover, we will learn AWS EC2 Storage, Amazon CloudWatch, and Amazon Cloudtail. Along with this, we will cover Amazon EC2 Access.

So, let’s start the Amazon Ec2 Tutorial.

What is Amazon EC2?

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides ascendable computing capability within the Amazon internet Services (AWS) cloud. Working on Amazon EC2 eliminates your potential to invest in hardware up front, thus you’ll be able to develop and deploy applications quicker.

You’ll be able to use AWS EC2 to launch an ample amount of servers or few servers. In addition, it will also manage security and networking, and manage storage. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud permits you to rescale or right down to handle changes in necessities or when in need.


Features of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Following are the AWS EC2 features such as:

Getting Started with EC2 in Amazon

After creating the AWS account you will need to set it up. AWS provides you getting started tutorial for EC2. If you are in a need of technical information about an Amazon EC2 feature you can refer technical documentation.

Below are the few terms which you will notice in EC2-

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Amazon EC2 – Terminologies

a. Instances and AMIs

Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a template that contains a software configuration such as an operating system, servers, and applications.

AWS EC2 – Instances and AMIs

b. Region and Availability Zones

AWS EC2 host in multiple locations worldwide. These locations are composed of different regions and availability zones.

c. Amazon EC2 Key Pairs

Amazon EC2 uses public– key to encrypt and decrypt login information.

d. Security Groups

AWS security groups associate with EC2 instances and provide security at the protocol and port access level.

e. Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud allows you to provision a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that is defined by you.

AWS EC2 – Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC

AWS EC2 Storage

Amazon EC2 storage includes two types of storage which are:-

Best AWS EC2 Tutorial (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)

a. Amazon EBS

Amazon Elastic Block Store helps us with block-level storage which is compatible with the EC2 instance. Moreover, they are highly available and reliable and can attach to any working instance available in the same Zone.

AWS EC2 – Amazon EBS

b. Instance Store

It consists of one or more blocks of the same type. The size of this instance and the available number of devices changes by instance type.

Amazon WS EC2 – Instance Store

Additional Information for AWS EC2

One can analyze EC2 resources, such as instances and volumes, directly using AWS EC2. Moreover, there are myriads of tools available which can use to monitor EC2 resources such as-

Elastic Load Balancing

AWS ELB automatically distribute incoming application traffic across multiple instances. You can add and remove compute resources from your load balancer as your needs change, without interrupting the overall flow of requests to your applications.

Amazon Cloudwatch

You can use Amazon Cloudwatch to monitor basic statistics for your instances and Amazon EBS volumes. Amazon Cloud Watch Events informs a near real-time stream of system events that describe changes in Amazon Web Services resources.

Activating Lambda function whenever a new AWS EC2 instance starts, done with the help of Cloudwatch in Amazon.

Amazon Cloudtrail

Amazon Cloudtrail provides surveillance to the calls made to the AWS EC2 API for the personal account. It can use for calls made by AWS Management Console, command line tools, and other services.

Amazon EC2 Access

EC2 provides a web-based UI known as Amazon EC2 console. One can access the Amazon EC2 console by signing into the AWS Management Console and selecting EC2. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud can access in two ways-

So, this was all about AWS EC2 Tutorial. Hope you like our explanation.


Hence, in this Amazon EC2 Tutorial, we discussed what is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud with its features. In addition, we learned AWS EC2 Storage, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Cloudtail, and Amazon EC2 Access. Furthermore, if you have any doubt, feel free to ask in the comment.

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