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Hive Partitions, Types of Hive Partitioning with Examples

Hive Partitioning

Hive Partitions, Types of Hive Partitioning with Examples

The Hive tutorial explains about the Hive partitions. This blog will help you to answer what is Hive partitioning, what is the need of partitioning, how it improves the performance?

Partitioning is the optimization technique in Hive which improves the performance significantly. Apache Hive is the data warehouse on the top of Hadoop, which enables ad-hoc analysis over structured and semi-structured data. Let’s discuss Apache Hive partitioning in detail.

So, let’s start the Hive Partitions tutorial.

What are the Hive Partitions?

Apache Hive organizes tables into partitions. Partitioning is a way of dividing a table into related parts based on the values of particular columns like date, city, and department.

Each table in the hive can have one or more partition keys to identify a particular partition. Using partition it is easy to do queries on slices of the data.

Hive Partitions, Types of Hive Partitioning with Examples

Why is Partitioning Important?

In the current century, we know that the huge amount of data which is in the range of petabytes is getting stored in HDFS. So due to this, it becomes very difficult for Hadoop users to query this huge amount of data.

The Hive was introduced to lower down this burden of data querying. Apache Hive converts the SQL queries into MapReduce jobs and then submits it to the Hadoop cluster. When we submit a SQL query, Hive read the entire data-set.

So, it becomes inefficient to run MapReduce jobs over a large table. Thus this is resolved by creating partitions in tables. Apache Hive makes this job of implementing partitions very easy by creating partitions by its automatic partition scheme at the time of table creation.

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In Partitioning method, all the table data is divided into multiple partitions. Each partition corresponds to a specific value(s) of partition column(s). It is kept as a sub-record inside the table’s record present in the HDFS.

Therefore on querying a particular table, appropriate partition of the table is queried which contains the query value. Thus this decreases the I/O time required by the query. Hence increases the performance speed.

How to Create Partitions in Hive?

To create data partitioning in Hive following command is used-
CREATE TABLE table_name (column1 data_type, column2 data_type) PARTITIONED BY (partition1 data_type, partition2 data_type,….);

Hive Data Partitioning Example

Now let’s understand data partitioning in Hive with an example. Consider a table named Tab1. The table contains client detail like id, name, dept, and yoj( year of joining). Suppose we need to retrieve the details of all the clients who joined in 2012.

Then, the query searches the whole table for the required information. But if we partition the client data with the year and store it in a separate file, this will reduce the query processing time. The below example will help us to learn how to partition a file and its data-

The file name says file1 contains client data table:

id, name, dept, yoj
1, sunny, SC, 2009
2, animesh, HR, 2009
3, sumeer, SC, 2010
4, sarthak, TP, 2010[/php]
Now, let us partition above data into two files using years
1, sunny, SC, 2009
2, animesh, HR, 2009
3, sumeer, SC, 2010
4, sarthak, TP, 2010[/php]

Now when we are retrieving the data from the table, only the data of the specified partition will be queried. Creating a partitioned table is as follows:

[php]CREATE TABLE table_tab1 (id INT, name STRING, dept STRING, yoj INT) PARTITIONED BY (year STRING);
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH tab1’/clientdata/2009/file2’OVERWRITE INTO TABLE studentTab PARTITION (year=’2009′);
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH tab1’/clientdata/2010/file3’OVERWRITE INTO TABLE studentTab PARTITION (year=’2010′);[/php]

Types of Hive Partitioning

Till now we have discussed Introduction to Hive Partitions and How to create Hive partitions. Now we are going to introduce the types of data partitioning in Hive. There are two types of Partitioning in Apache Hive-

Let’s discuss these types of Hive Partitioning one by one-

i. Hive Static Partitioning

ii. Hive Dynamic Partitioning

Hive Partitioning – Advantages and Disadvantages

Let’s discuss some benefits and limitations of Apache Hive Partitioning-
a) Hive Partitioning Advantages

b) Hive Partitioning Disadvantages

So, this was all in Hive Partitions. Hope you like our explanation.

Conclusion – Hive Partitions

Hope this blog will help you a lot to understand what exactly is partition in Hive, what is Static partitioning in Hive, What is Dynamic partitioning in Hive. We have also covered various advantages and disadvantages of Hive partitioning.

If you have any query related to Hive Partitions, so please leave a comment. We will be glad to solve them.

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