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Classification of Animal Kingdom

Kingdom Animalia is one of the divisions of The Five Kingdom Classification Model. The organism under this kingdom is multicellular eukaryotes without any cell walls. They are heterotrophs and depend on plants for food.

Their digestion process is done in the internal cavity stores fat. There is ingestion of food inside the body or nutrition is holozoic. They have a fixed growth cycle with a definite shape or size for each phase or cycle.

They can locomote or follow a clear movement and follow sexual reproduction between male and female. This is the only reproduction method possible in these organisms. We are going to see the classification of animal kingdom now.

This kingdom includes eleven main phylum divisions – Porifera, Coelenterata, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Hemichordata, and Chordata.

They are all equally crucial under this kingdom. The division in kingdom Animalia is on the basis of criteria like level of organization, symmetry, coelom, segmentation, and notochord. These criteria decide their classification and features.

They also determine their subgroups further. We will look at all the eleven phylum divisions of Animal Kingdom. Let’s look at them in detail.


Basis of Animal Kingdom Classification

1. Levels of Organization

All the organisms under kingdom Animalia are multicellular but have a different pattern of cell organization. The spores have loose cell aggregates or cellular levels of the organization. The cells divide their own work.

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On the other hand, coelenterates have a complex cell arrangement and have a tissue level organization. This is because cells with the same function form a tissue. The organ level organization is present in Platyhelminthes and other higher species.

The tissues together create an organ to perform a particular function. Annelids, Arthropods, and Molluscs functional systems for different functions; this is the organ level of organization. However, this level is very complex in some organisms.

Platyhelminthes have a single opening as the mouth and anus. But a proper digestive system has two different openings. The circulatory system has other parts as well like arteries, veins, and capillaries.

2. Patterns of Organ System

a. Digestive System 

The framework of the digestive system in an organism is either Complete or Incomplete. The incomplete digestive system has one opening of intake and release.

This means you eat and release toxic from one opening only. In the case of a complete digestive system, there are two separate openings for purposes. 

b. Circulatory System 

The circulatory system is also of two types i.e., open and closed circulatory system.  In an open circulatory system, the heart pumps out the blood, and cells and tissue get washed in it.

But in the case of a closed circulatory system, there are proper vessels for blood circulation that are veins and arteries. 

3. Symmetry

The organisms under animal kingdom have different symmetry as well. The sponges are asymmetrical in most cases. The centre does not divide them into equal halves. And when the line divides an organism into two equal halves, it becomes radical symmetric.

Sponges are asymmetrical. Any line that passes through does not divide them into equal halves. Coelenterates and Echinoderms have this kind of body symmetry. When the body has identical left and right halves, they are bilaterally symmetric. Annelids and Arthropods are examples of this. 

3. Diploblastic and Triploblastic Organisation

The cell arrangement in different embryonic layers also differentiates the organism in this kingdom. When the cell arrangement is in two embryonic layers, external and internal endoderm. They become diploblastic animals.

Mesoglea is an undifferentiated layer between the endotherms. And cell arrangement in three different endoderm layers is a triploblastic animal. 

4. Coelom

The cavity presence and absence are other criteria to classify animals under this kingdom. 

The body cavity is coelom and is by mesoderm. Animals with coelom become coelomates like molluscs, annelids, and chordates. And some animals don’t have a body cavity but they do have mesoderm.

They become pseudocoelomates like Aschelminthes. And the animals without a cavity are acoelomates like pseudocoelomate. 

5. Segmentation

The external and internal body in many organisms has different segments with the repetition of a few organs. Earthworms have a metameric segmentation and the pattern is metamerism. 

6. Notochord

The notochord is a rod-like structure that supports the embryonic development in animals. Animals with notochords are chordates and animals with them are non-chordates. Examples of non-chordates are Porifera and Echinoderms. 

Hierarchy in Animal Kingdom Classification 

As mentioned above, there are many differences in different organisms on the basis of their feature, size, and more. But other than that they also have a certain place in the animal kingdom hierarchical framework.

The common elements help in the division of these levels. Carolus Linnaeus recognized the five-kingdom classification and the hierarchical framework with levels moving from highest to lowest. 


This is the umbrella level of all organisms. All of them come under it and incase of kingdom Animalia, all animals belong to one kingdom. 


The Kingdom further divides into smaller phylums. Chordata is an example of phyla that has notochord as a common element in all the organisms. 


The phylums may divide into classes. In Chordata, Aves is one of the class and they all have feathers to fly. 


The class further divides into families and they have more than one genus. Felidae is a term for cat family that includes cheetah, cat, etc. 


The family has two divisions – genera and animals having the same genus are the same in all ways. Panthera is a genus under Felidae that has cheetah, tigers, jaguar, etc. 


The species has only one kind of animal like a cheetah. 

Classification of Animal Kingdom

1. Phylum – Porifera

2. Phylum – Coelenterata 

3. Phylum – Ctenophora

4. Phylum – Platyhelminthes

5. Phylum – Aschelminthes

6. Phylum – Annelida

7. Phylum – Arthropoda

a. Arachnids

Arachnida is a class of Arthropoda which includes – 

b. Crustaceans

A large group of arthropods is crustaceans, who have gills and pairs of antennae. They are –

c. Insects

This class of arthropods has three-part bodies, six legs, eyes, and two antennae. They are – 

8. Phylum – Mollusca

9. Phylum – Echinodermata

10. Phylum – Hemichordata

11. Phylum – Chordata

a. Vertebrata

Difference between  Chordates and Non-chordates

Chordates Non-chordates
Presence of Notochord  Absence of Notochord
Dorsal, hollow, and single nervous system Ventral, solid, and double nervous system
Presence of gill slits Absence of Gill slits
Ventral Heart Dorsal Heart
Tail is present  Tail is absent 

Difference Between All the Phylums – Animal Kingdom 

Phylum Level of Organisation Symmetry  Coelom  Digestive System  Segmentation  Blood 


Porifera  Cellular  Asymmetric  Absent  Absent  Absent  Absent  Absent 
Coelenterata  Tissue level  Radial  Absent  Incomplete  Absent  Absent  Absent 
Ctenophora  Tissue level  Radial  Absent  Incomplete  Absent  Absent  Absent 
Platyhelminthes  Organ level  Bilateral  Present  Incomplete  Absent  Absent  Absent 
Aschelminthes  Organ level  Bilateral  Present  Complete Absent  Absent  Absent 
Annelida  Organ level  Bilateral  Present  Complete Present  Present  Absent 
Arthropoda  Organ level  Bilateral  Present  Complete Present  Present  Present 
Mollusca  Organ level  Bilateral  Present  Complete Absent  Present  Present 
Echinodermata  Organ level  Radial  Present  Complete Absent  Present  Present 
Hemichordata  Organ level  Bilateral  Present  Complete Absent  Present  Present 
Chordata  Organ level  Bilateral  Present  Complete Present  Present  Present 


This article is a biology article for competitive exams like UPSC, RRB, SSC, and more. This article covers the classification of Animal Kingdom, Its divisions, and its distinctive features.

We looked at Porifera, Coelenterata, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Hemichordata, and Chordata at large. This has a high chance of appearing in the UPSC Biology and Science exam.

It is because it is an intermediate level topic. The chances of it coming in UPSC Mains is higher than Prelims. But again if you are a science aspirant then this article will help you build your basic understanding of the subject.

All the UPSC aspirants must read this article before appearing for the exams.

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