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Role of Encryption in Data Protection

encryption for data protection

Encryption provides enormous benefits to society by enabling secure communication, data storage, and online transactions.

– William Barr   

Probably you might store your sensitive data on various devices such as computers, smartphones, and even on the cloud. 

For data security, you’ve secured your phone with various passwords, biometrics lock, or other protective measures to prevent it from unauthorized access. 

After doing all the protective measures, what happens if you lose your device or it is stolen?

These are situations where encryption plays an important role. 

Encryption provides more security and protection to your data. You can encrypt your data, passwords, and cloud as well.

All these are the best practices to secure your data.

Let’s find out the role of encryption in protecting your data.

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How Encryption Protects your Data?

1. Data remains secure

Encryption helps us to keep our sensitive information safe and secure.

There are various incidents of data breaches happening due to hacking, unauthorized access and more.

But in case, if you have your data encrypted, then it would not have been exposed.

Encryption also makes it hard for unauthorized users to access that data. 

2. Enhances trust

Companies go for encryption technology to make people know that they prioritize privacy measures. 

A recent survey done on 8300 organizations across 22 countries by Accenture reports that 90% of respondents give priority to data security and take strict measures to protect data.

Protecting customer’s data enhances their trust among organizations.

Thus, it results in an increased reputation of the organization.

3. Messages are protected

Encryption allows you to protect your messages and other data on various messaging applications.

There are apps that provide a default encryption option turned on such as WhatsApp and Telegram.  

Email communications can also be encrypted so that the confidential information remains private and protected. 

4. Compliance with rules and regulations

Many companies make it mandatory to have encryption technology in order to comply with security policies. 

Also, the companies have various sensitive data that they need to safeguard.

Thus, encryption is highly recommended to maintain privacy. 

5. Cloud Encryption

Today, the cloud technologies are very popular because of their ease of access.

With an internet connection, you can access your data anywhere at any time. 

But over the years, the cloud storage services have experienced serious security breaches.

Thus, encryption here plays an important role in protecting your data.

Encrypting your files before uploading them to the cloud can be a good solution for protecting data. 

6. Preserve Data Integrity

By attacking your private data, cybercriminals not only just steal your sensitive information, but they also change the content of the website to commit fraud.

Many serious cases have been reported where the hacker posts offensive content on the website, thus affecting the brand image of the organization. 

Encryption can help to protect and maintain the integrity of the data. 

7. Keeps data secure across different devices

Most of us store the data on different devices to access them whenever needed.

Again, thanks to encryption that keeps our data safe across all the devices. 

There are various companies that offer encryption services. You can opt any of them according to your requirements. 


So, these are the various ways in which encryption plays an important role in securing our confidential data.

And you can never underestimate the power of encryption as all these preventive measures can protect you from huge data loss in this digital world. 

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