Alert and Prompt Window in JavaScript

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Program 1

    <head><title>Java Script Test Prgram</title>
        <script lang="javascript">
            function display()
               // alert("wel come to my page")
               var a;
               a=prompt("Enter Your Name Here...")
               document.write("<font color=green size=7>")
               document.write("My Name is: " +a)
   <input type="button" value="Click here" onclick="display()">

Program 2

    <head><title>Java Script Test Prgram</title>
        <script lang="javascript">
            function display()
               // alert("wel come to my page")
            //    var n,f=1;
            //    n=prompt("Enter First Number...");
            //    if(n!=null && n!="")
            //   {
            //        n=parseInt(n);
            //        while(n!=0)
            //        {
            //         f=f*n;
            //         n--;
            //        } 
            //        alert("Factorial is "+f);
            //   }
   <input type="button" value="Click here" onclick="display()">


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