What is the role of Application Manager in Resource Manager?

Free Online Certification Courses – Learn Today. Lead Tomorrow. Forums Apache Hadoop What is the role of Application Manager in Resource Manager?

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    • #5137
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Explain the role of Scheduler in Resource Manager?

    • #5138
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Application manager is responsible for maintaining a list of submitted application.After application is submitted by the client,application manager firstly validates whether application requirement of resources for its application master can be satisfied or not.If enough resources are available then it forwards the application to scheduler otherwise application will be rejected.It also make sure that no other application is submitted with same application id.Application manager keeps the cache of completed application so that if user requests for application data via web UI or command line at later point of time, it can fulfill the request of the user.

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