What is SparkContext in Apache Spark?

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    • #5656
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      What is SparkContext in Apache Spark?
      What is the need of SparkContext?
      What are the responsibilities of SparkContext?

    • #5657
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      A SparkContext is a client of Spark’s execution environment and it acts as the master of the Spark application. SparkContext sets up internal services and establishes a connection to a Spark execution environment. You can create RDDs, accumulators and broadcast variables, access Spark services and run jobs (until SparkContext stops) after the creation of SparkContext. Only one SparkContext may be active per JVM. You must stop() the active SparkContext before creating a new one.

      In Spark shell, a special interpreter-aware SparkContext is already created for the user, in the variable called sc.

      The first step of any Spark driver application is to create a SparkContext. The SparkContext allows the Spark driver application to access the cluster through a resource manager. The resource manager can be YARN, or Spark’s Cluster Manager.

      Few functionalities which SparkContext offers are: 
      1. We can get the current status of a Spark application like configuration, app name.
      2. We can set Configuration like master URL, default logging level.
      3. One can create Distributed Entities like RDDs.

      For detailed knowledge on SparkContext read SparkContext In Apache Spark.

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