What is Apache HBase ?

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  • Author
    • #4918
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      # Open source project build on top of Hadoop.
      # Also known as NoSQL database.
      # Column oriented database.
      # As it’s run on top of Hadoop it’s distributed and Scalable.
      # Provides random access to data stored in database

    • #4919
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Introduction to Apache HBase

      A column-oriented database management system which runs on top of HDFS is known as Apache HBase. Moreover, We can say, for sparse data sets, which are common in many big data use cases, HBase is well suited.

      Although, HBase does not support a structured query language like SQL, like relational database systems. But , much like a typical Apache™ MapReduce application, HBase applications are written in Java. In addition, it supports writing applications in Apache™ Avro™, REST, as well as Thrift.

      More we can say that it comprises a set of tables, where each table contains rows and columns. In other words, HBase
      mainly offers strong data consistency on reads and writes. As an advantage of HBase, to manage region servers that distribute and process parts of data tables, HBase uses master nodes.

      Some key points:

      – A completely distributed architecture.
      – HBase can work on extremely large scale data.
      – It provides easy management and high security, along with high write throughput.
      – HBase is suitable for both structured and semi-structured data types.

      However, to learn about HBase in detail; follow the link: Apache HBase Tutorial For Beginners

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