What does jps stand for in Hadoop?

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    • #5644
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      What is jps in Hadoop?
      why it is used in Hadoop?

    • #5646
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Let’s first talk about simple JPS command. This command is a part of Java since v1.5.0.
      jps stands for Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool

      In our practice, when we start the single node cluster following processes are must be up and running:

      Name Node
      Data Node
      Resource Manager
      Node Manager
      jps is a tool to check, whether expected Hadoop processes are up and in running state or not.

    • #5648
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      JPS – Java Virtual Machine Process Status tool.
      It gives the list of all the instrumented hotspots JVM’s running on the target system. ‘Hotspot’ is an implementation of JVM used across different platforms. This is available since Java 5.0.

      All Hadoop processes run on JVM. The Number of JVM depends on our deployment mode:
      1) Local (or Standalone) mode: There are no daemons and everything runs on a single JVM.
      2) Pseudo-Distributed mode: Each daemon(Namenode, Datanode etc) runs on its own JVM on a single host.
      3) Distributed mode: Each Daemon run on its own JVM across a cluster of hosts.

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