What are the limitations of Hive?

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    • #5109
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      What are the limitations of Apache Hive?

    • #5111
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Below are the limitations of HIVE:
       No Row Level Insert, Update and deletes.
       It does not support ACID properties as in RDBMS, hence does not support transactions. Though newer version support transaction but the performance degrades with it.
       Not designed for OLTP hence, no Real time access to data.
       High Latency.
       No difference between NULL and null values.

    • #5112
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Hive has following limitations:

      1) It does not allow row level inserts,updates or deletes.It only provides the option of dropping of table when it comes to deleting something because behind the scenes hive works with files on HDFS.

      2) Hive takes less time to load the data because of its property “scheme on read” but it takes longer time to query the data because data has to be verified against the schema at the time of querying.

      3) Previously it did not support the transaction processing because it had no support for ACID properties but recently ACID properties has been added to version hive 0.14 but it leads to performance degradation.

      4) Read only view are allowed but materialized views are not allowed.

      5) It does not support triggers.

      6) No difference between NULL and null values


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