How many Partitioners run on a mapper node for a job

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    • #6029
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      When we submit a MapReduce job on Hadoop cluster, how many partitioners run on a Mapper Node (as we know partitioner runs on Mapper node) for a specific MapReduce Job ?

    • #6031
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Partitioner are responsible for assigning intermediate key-value pair to reducers. In other words, the partitioner specifies the reducer to which an intermediate <key, value> pair must be copied.

      Considering we are using more than one reducer as it is most of the time necessary, else the MapReduce concept would not be very useful.
      With multiple reducers, we need some way to determine the appropriate one to send a <key,value> pair outputted by a map task.
      The default partitioner uses hash function on key to determine the reducer to which it will be assigned.
      The partitioning phase takes place after the map phase and before the reduce phase.

      The number of partitions = the number of reducers

      The data gets partitioned across the reducers according to the partitioning function. This approach improves the overall performance and allows Mappers to operate completely independently.

      For each <key,value> pair from mapper,each mapper determines which reducer will receive them. Because all the mappers are using the same partitioning for any key, regardless of which mapper instance generated it, the destination partition is the same.

      Hadoop uses an interface called Partitioner to determine which partition a key/value pair will go to. A single partition refers to all key/value pairs that will be sent to a single reduce task.

      Hadoop comes with a default partitioner implementation i.e. HashPartitioner, which hashes a record’s key to determine which partition the record belongs in. Each partition is processed by a reduce task, so the number of partitions is equal to the number of reduce tasks for the job.

      Follow the link for more detail: Partitioner in Hadoop

    • #6032
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Partitioning is the process of determining which reducer instance will receive which intermediate (key, value) pairs, which are generated from the mapper. Each mapper must determine all of its output (key, value) pairs, which the reducer will receive. For any key, the destination partition will be the same, regardless of which mapper instance generated it. Also, it is important for the mappers to partition data independently so that they should never exchange information with one another to determine the partition for a particular key.

      Hadoop uses an interface called Partitioner to determine which partition a (key, value) pair will go to. A single partition refers to all (key, value) pairs which will be sent to a single reduce task. MapReduce determines when the job starts, how many partitions it will divide the data into. Hence the number of partitions depends on the number of reducers in the program. For example, if 20 reduce tasks are running in a program, then there will be 20 partitioners to feed the data to each of the 20 reducers. The number of reducers can be set by the



      Hence, the total number of Partitioners that run in Hadoop is equal to the number of Reducer tasks.

      The default Partitioner implementation in Hadoop MapReduce is calledHashPartitioner. It uses the hashCode() method which computes a hash value for the key and assigns the partition based on this result.

    • #6034
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Partitioning is the process of determining which reducer instance will receive which intermediate (key, value) pairs, which are generated from the mapper.

      A partitioner works like a condition in processing an input dataset. The partition phase takes place after the Map phase and before the Reduce phase.

      The number of partitioners is equal to the number of reducers. That means a partitioner will divide the data according to the number of reducers. Therefore, the data passed from a single partitioner is processed by a single Reducer.

      Default partitioner in MapReduce Hadoop is Hash Partitioner which computes a hash value for the key and assigns the partition based on this result.

      Hadoop uses an interface called Partitioner to determine which partition a (key, value) pair will go to. A single partition refers to all (key, value) pairs which will be sent to a single reduce task. MapReduce determines when the job starts, how many partitions it will divide the data into. Hence the number of partitions depends on the number of reducers in the program. For example, if 20 reduce tasks are running in a program, then there will be 20 partitioners to feed the data to each of the 20 reducers. The number of reducers can be set by the JobConf.setNumReduceTasks() method.

      Check the links : Partitioner MapReduce Partitioner Partitioner in Hadoop

    • #6036
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      The function of MapReducer partitioner is to make sure that all the value of a single key goes to the same reducer, eventually which helps evenly distribution of the map output over the reducers.
      We can write custom partitioner if needed. The default partitioner is HashPartitioner, which computes a hash value for the key and assigns the partition based on the result.
      Each partition is processed by a reduce task, so the number of partitions is equal to the number of reduce tasks for the job.

      So the number of partitioners = the number of reducers

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