How many Mappers run for a MapReduce job in Hadoop?

Free Online Certification Courses – Learn Today. Lead Tomorrow. Forums Apache Hadoop How many Mappers run for a MapReduce job in Hadoop?

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  • Author
    • #6033
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      When we submit a MapReduce job how many map tasks run in Hadoop?
      How to calculate number of mappers in Hadoop?
      How to set no of mappers for a MapReduce job?

    • #6035
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Number of Mappers in a MapReduce job depends upon the total number of InputSplits.
      If you have 1GB of file that makes 8 blocks (of 128MB) so there will be only 8 mappers running on cluster.
      Number of Mappers = Number of input splits.

      Follow the link to learn more about: Mappers in Hadoop

    • #6037
      DataFlair TeamDataFlair Team

      Number of Mappers is the count of the blocks present in a cluster
      If you ask me number of mappers per node then my answer is , it lies between 10-100 and it varies with configuration of that particular node

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